Monday there was news. Then Tuesday there was also news, some of it new. Wednesday had news too, if we remember it correctly. News definitely happened yesterday (we read about it online), and we have the punched time-cards to show that news newsed earlier today. But have you been keeping up? [More]

How Well Do You Know Your Fictional Tech Companies?
Sure, we all know that George Costanza worked, however briefly, at Kruger Industrial Smoothing, and that Laverne and Shirley toiled away at Shotz Brewery (before they randomly picked up and moved to California in Season 6), but have you really been paying attention to all those fake companies? [More]

Give Your Grey Matter A Weekend Workout With The Consumerist Quiz
We went easy on you last week — the holiday-shortened week and residual high spirits resulted in fewer questions and easily eliminated wrong answers — and it showed, with the median score on the Consumerist Quiz soaring to 75% (up from the typical weekly result of around 60%). Think you can continue with your high-scoring ways, or are you due for a post all-star break slump? [More]

Think Back On The Short Week That Was With This Abbreviated Consumerist Quiz!
We know that a lot of you only worked a few days this week, so we’re giving you a break with this installment of the Consumerist Quiz — now with 47% less quizziness! [More]

Burn Through Those Last Few Minutes Before The Holiday Weekend With The Consumerist Quiz
Look, we know you probably don’t want to be here. Everyone else in the office is already gone, but you’re stuck holding down the fort, pretending to be reading emails when you’re really just seeing how many pages of “Brexit” Google results you need to go through before finding some really good Brexit-themed erotic fiction. Okay, maybe that’s just us. Don’t judge. [More]

How Well Do You Know Companies’ Former Names?
Maybe you know that David Bowie was born David Jones, or that the St. Louis Cardinals were previously the St. Louis Browns, Brown Stockings, and Perfectos, but did you know that PayPal was originally called Confinity, or that Yahoo was briefly named “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web”? [More]

Can You Remember What Happened This Week? Prove It!
Another week has passed, and more events have occurred, some of which we’ll eventually forget about entirely or mangle into vague, hazily remembered recollections. But let’s focus on the here and now, and see what we can recall about the last few days, shall we? [More]

For-Profit College Or Fictional School: Can You Tell Them Apart?
When coming up with the name for a institution of higher learning, you often want to find that sweet spot where academia, history, and marketability meet; and you also have to make sure no one else is already using that name. [More]

How Many Earths Would It Take To Sustain Your Lifestyle?
“Consumer Consequences” is an online “game” where you enter data about your living, work, travel, energy, and eating patterns, then see how many earths would be needed to sustain your lifestyle if every single person on the planet did the same thing. It’s a relatively fun way to graphically tally up your environmental footprint, and helps you highlight where you use the most resources (and, ideally, where you can therefore cut costs).

Are You Addicted To Debt? Take This 15 Question Quiz
If you answer yes to at least of these eight questions, you may be addicted to debt, according to Debtor’s Anonymous.