
Make Anonymous Cell Phone Calls

With cellphones, now everyone’s a walking caller id. Here’s how to make a call on your mobile without revealing its number.

Judge Compares FCC’s VoIP-Tapping Argument To Baby-Talk

From BoingBoing:

The Terrorists May Have Already Won, In Bed

The Terrorists May Have Already Won, In Bed

According to this article, your identity can be stolen simply from your airplane ticket stub. The story also has some interesting information about how American travelers are classified to government security experts, based on sophisticated data mining techniques drawing from every piece of information available about you. The system is purported to rank travelers as risks using an increasing danger code of green, amber and red.

Aetna Loses Laptop With 38,000 User’s Personal Info

Aetna Loses Laptop With 38,000 User’s Personal Info

month not to leave our laptops in the car. Also, we have to sign the “Code of Conduct” every year, part of which says ‘I promise not to leave my company laptop in the car.’ “

UPDATE: Calls From A Stranger

UPDATE: Calls From A Stranger

Courtney tips that she’s received a Spanish spam call, this time from 301-392-8219, based out of La Plata, Maryland and registered to Verizon. We’ve also received reports about 305-503-8068. If anyone gets calls from these numbers, report it to your cell phone company and even the police. The police have the ability to access the records to trace these calls back to their source.

Fidelity Loses Laptop Containing Customers’ Personal Info

Fidelity Loses Laptop Containing Customers’ Personal Info

A Fidelity laptop containing customer’s personal data was stolen on March 15th but one man didn’t find out until last week, April 13th.

I.R.S. Demands PayPal Records

I.R.S. Demands PayPal Records

Would-be Count of Monte Cristo’s beware, the IRS has won approval from a federal court to get Paypal to turn over records about people who may be dodging the taxman by stashing dough in foreign lands.

Orwellian in Implication Call-Center Recording System Pitch Letter Intercepted

Orwellian in Implication Call-Center Recording System Pitch Letter Intercepted

This email is so money. It’s a pitch letter from NICE, the call recording system used by 67% of the Fortune 100. As we suspected, your call gets digitized and can later be accessed by a manager searching for a key word. The email says, “For financial services firms, NICE can help cut legal risk and meet compliance rules. Did that customer say “sell” rather than “buy” as his lawyer now claims? The call is readily accessed for proof.”

GaMillions of ID Theft Victims

GaMillions of ID Theft Victims

Victims of identity theft numbered an estimated 3.6 million in 2004, according to a new report by the Justice Department.

Telemarketing Chiropractor Sells Office Supplies, Conscience

Telemarketing Chiropractor Sells Office Supplies, Conscience

Dr. Kirtland Speaks, the chiropractor who’s suing Louisiana for his right to telemarket car accident victims using their phone numbers found in public accident reports, well, he’s moving from Texas to Louisiana and he’s got a hydrocullator or two to get rid of.

Telemarketing Chiropractor’s Cellphone Called

Telemarketing Chiropractor’s Cellphone Called

Yesterday we told you about Dr. Kirtland Speaks, a back-cracker who’s suing for his right to telemarket to accident victims, using phone numbers from public accident reports. He’s alleging that preventing this marketing plan violates the First Amendment.

Doctor Sues to Telemarket Victims

Doctor Sues to Telemarket Victims

Thanks to a chiropractor, ambulance chasers won’t even need a good pair of running shoes.

Citibank Sends “Hey, You’ve Been Hacked” Postcard

Citibank Sends “Hey, You’ve Been Hacked” Postcard

More Customers Mocked By Walgreens Pharmacy

More Customers Mocked By Walgreens Pharmacy

Just over two weeks after a woman sued Walgreens for labeling her a “PSYCHO,” two more patients are suing for slanderous remarks attached to their prescription sheets.

ChoicePoint, Behind the Black Lacquer Curtain

ChoicePoint, Behind the Black Lacquer Curtain

Who is ChoicePoint?

HR 3997: Worst Bill Ever for Identity Theft?

HR 3997: Worst Bill Ever for Identity Theft?

HR 3997 might be a bill to watch if you’re concerned about your data getting sold to identity thieves by companies like ChoicePoint

A Ripped-Up Credit Card App Still Works

A Ripped-Up Credit Card App Still Works

Rob Cockerham at tells us how we should all get paper shredders.

Walgreens Pharmacists Mock You Behind Your Back

Walgreens Pharmacists Mock You Behind Your Back

How would you like to see this on your bottle of meds?