
The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

• Nation’s factories prescribed Cialis. [NYT]

Man Fights Identity Thief and Wins

Imagine getting mugged in LA and having your social security card stolen. It might not seem so far fetched that its number would be used to graft an identity onto an illegal alien. But what might be a surprise, is if years later, the guy’s still walking around with your name and you go to the car lot, they run a credit check, and not only does the guy have several cards in your name, he has way better credit than you do!

Veterans Affairs Sends Mass Apology

Veterans Affairs Sends Mass Apology

1,000,000-plus Students’ Personal Data Lost in Texas

1,000,000-plus Students’ Personal Data Lost in Texas

Poof. The records of over a million customers at Texas A&M’s largest student loan provider have been lost. The records contained personal information about the borrowers.

Lawsuit Filed for 26.5 Mil Vets in Data Privacy Snafu

Lawsuit Filed for 26.5 Mil Vets in Data Privacy Snafu

A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the 26.5 million vets whose personal records were lost by Veterans Affairs due to employee negligence, reports the AP.

The News Can, and Will, Kill You

The News Can, and Will, Kill You

• 4th worst spammer in the world gets $1 million fine and is stripped of his powers to make your penis bigger. [CT]

IRS Tells NSA How to Do Its Job

IRS Tells NSA How to Do Its Job

The IRS just fact-checked the NSA’s wiretapping ass.

How Many Weeks Does It Take To Tell A Veteran His Identity Has Been Stolen?

How Many Weeks Does It Take To Tell A Veteran His Identity Has Been Stolen?

we cursorily mentioned the fact that the authorities investigating the theft of the laptop that resulted in the names, addresses and social security numbers of every living veteran being stolen waited three weeks to alert the public. But it took awhile for that to sink in.

Data on Millions of Veterans Stolen

Data on Millions of Veterans Stolen

The old gray stallion ain’t what he used to be…

Source Documents Implicating AT&T and NSA Internet Spying

Source Documents Implicating AT&T and NSA Internet Spying

At 2:00 AM EST this morning, Wired News published primary documents incriminating the NSA and AT&T in a clandestine surveillance operation by the government to monitor the internet.

HOWTO: Win $1000

1) Print out this page.

Telcos: We’re Down With P

Telcos: We’re Down With P

And that stands for privacy.

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Last week we wrote about Max, who tried to send money to his friend through Paypal but found himself ensnarled in a technical and customer service nightmare. In the end, his road of good intentions lead to B”anned from Paypal and Ebay Land,” a decidedly unhappy place excised from The Wizard of Oz as it frightened the focus group children terribly so.

Verizon Sued $5 Billion for Phone Record Sale to NSA

Verizon Sued $5 Billion for Phone Record Sale to NSA

Leaving nary a moment to spare, two public interest lawyers filed suit against Verizon on Friday for $5 billion, for gross violation of citizen’s privacy in the telcos’ sale of phone records to the NSA.

BREAKING: Wells Fargo Loses Laptop With Customers Private Data

BREAKING: Wells Fargo Loses Laptop With Customers Private Data

Lee received a letter today from Wells Fargo notifying him that they lost a laptop containing his and other customer’s private data.

A Million Little Phone Records

Finally! Something else to be mad about besides gas.

BREAKING: NSA Has Massive Database of Americans’ Phone Calls

BREAKING: NSA Has Massive Database of Americans’ Phone Calls

Good thing we installed that intricate secret network of tin cans and string. Reports USA TODAY:

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Thanks to some zealous Paypal security, mixed with tech snafus and a little lack of information about how Paypal works, Max had to go through leaps and hurdles to retrieve his money after he committed the crime of lending money to his friend.