It’s that time of year again: Starbucks is kicking off pumpkin spice latte season by raising its prices for some U.S. customers. [More]
price increases

Senators Demand Mylan Lower Cost Of Life-Saving Epipens, Call For Congressional Hearing
The cost of a life-saving EpiPen from drug maker Mylan increased as much as 600% in just nine years. That’s simply too much, lawmakers say, with some legislators now calling on the pharmaceutical giant to drop its price immediately, while others are pushing for a congressional hearing on the matter. [More]

Netflix Sees Subscriptions Dip Amid Price Hike, Blames Press Coverage
As it turns out, raising the price of something can have the effect of turning people off that product. So it went for Netflix, which said this week that it’s lost some customers after instituting planned price hikes that affected around 17 million customers. [More]

Happy New Year: Dish, DirecTV/AT&T, Time Warner Cable All Raising Rates In January Because They Can
For a bunch of the big cable and satellite companies, it does indeed look like a very merry Christmas and a happy new year are on the horizon — but consumers can be forgiven for feeling a lot more grinchy about it. That’s because all the new nickels, dimes, and dollars that are going to line businesses’ big virtual pockets are coming directly from subscribers in the form of unasked-for price hikes. [More]

Everyone Get Ready To Freak Out: Starbucks Hiking Prices 1% Nationwide Next Week
Hey everyone, the price of coffee beans is going down! That’s great news — for Starbucks, but not necessarily for its customers. In fact I would be remiss in not mentioning the news that prices are actually going to go up pretty much everywhere across the country at Starbucks next week, by about 1%. [More]

Regal Cinemas Raising Ticket Prices 4% Because You’re All Still Gonna Pay
Thanks to innovations like 3D and IMAX (or IMAX-ish), going to see a movie in theaters is an experience that a home theater really can’t match, even if a home theater has the benefit of comfier seats and no obnoxious strangers. The bosses of Regal Cinemas, one of the chains that have consolidated Americans’ away-from-home movie experience, understand this. So they’re going to raise ticket prices some more. [More]

5 Things That Will Cost More Next Year
The rough economy of the last few years has spoiled shoppers with low inflation, but there’s no guarantee that prices will continue to stagnate next year. As the calendar turns and we march into 2012, some items and services to which you’re accustomed to paying the same price could be more expensive. [More]

Enjoy Your Last Weekend Of $1 Redbox Rentals
The era of $1-per-night movie rentals was too sweet to last into November. Perhaps seeing some opportunity to up profits in the wake of Netflix’s bumbling, Redbox announced its nightly DVD rental rate will rise to $1.20 on Monday. For now, Blu-rays will stick at $1.50 and video games will remain $2 per night. [More]

Netflix: Restricting Streams To One Per Account Was A Glitch
Netflix continued its recent tightening and price-raising by making it so there can only be one streaming video feed per account. UPDATE: Netflix has clarified and said that all accounts can support at least two concurrent streams. The users who saw/heard that they could only have one stream were experiencing a glitch which Netflix is fixing. [More]
DirecTV To Raise Rates Feb. 1 — Can I Get Out?
Chris wants out of his DirecTV contract, and hopes that the upcoming rate increase (PDF link) will let him run free. [More]
Old Navy Raising Prices By 50 Cents In 'Sale'
Lisa spotted these not-so-enticing deals somewhere on Old Navy’s website. [More]

99 Cents Only Stores Raise Prices To 99.99¢, Narrowly Avoid Having To Buy New Signs
99 Cents Only, the L.A.-based chain of not-quite-a-dollar stores, has come up with a novel approach to the growing losses it faces as the economy worsens: they’re raising their top-priced items to 99.99 cents.

Get Ready For More Supermarket Price Hikes
The notorious Grocery Shrink Ray was supposed to help prevent this, or so we were told by apologists for it, but Datamonitor is reporting that Kraft Foods, Kellogg’s, ConAgra, Sara Lee, and Tyson “are all expected to announce a hike in the prices of their products” in the near future. Here are some of the hikes you can expect, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Sam's Club Charges More For Bulk Check Purchases
An alert reader noticed that something looked fishy on the Sam’s Club order screen when he was ordering new checks—if you decide to order double the number of checks, your price-per-box magically goes up the tiniest bit. We figure the amount is so small that most people don’t even notice it, or they notice it but figure they’ll still save time and shipping so it’s worth the 3-5 cents extra. Still, it’s a sneaky thing for a bulk discount store to do.