If you like to leave your politics on the ground when you fly, you might be interested in this new promotion Spirit Air is running.
Daily Show Ties Ted Stevens’ Tubes
Have no fear people, this crazy old politico isn’t in a position where his uninformed opinions might do harm, he’s only a member of the Senate commerce committee currently deciding on Net Neutrality.

Hillary Clinton, Music Pirate
The world reacted to the news that George Bush was a no-good music pirate with an apathetic yawn; more interesting, perhaps, was the opalescent baby skull iPod Apple had custom designed him for his birthday. But would you be surprised if Hilary Clinton — that saintly paragon of virtues and family values who personally tops my surprisingly short list of people I’d love to slap — was also a music pirate?
The Eternal Struggle Between Politics, Companies & Consumers
This video is probably an excellent look in microcosm of the eternal struggle between politicians (USC Vice President Ryan Holt), companies (symbolized by the balloons) and consumers (represented by the sniggering prankster). A number of observations can be gleaned from watching one of our nation’s fat cats in fetal form foam at the mouth over a room full of balloons.

Democrats to Exploit Oil Anger in Upcoming Elections
- “Democrats running for Congress are moving quickly to use the most recent surge in oil and gasoline prices to bash Republicans over energy policy, and more broadly, the direction of the country.

Boycotting Companies’ Politics
Business Week has a fascinating article up looking at the political donations of various American companies and the consumer boycotts that have resulted. There are numerous examples of companies going ‘Blue’ or going ‘Red’ and consequently finding themselves in a Public relations nightmare, as opponents begin launching major campaigns through television, radio and blogs, attacking the company’s political choices.

Michael Jackson Pro-Pedophile Poster Boy in Hungary
Poor Michael Jackson. Although found not guilty of molesting a child over at the Neverland ranch, he can’t quite get over the stigma of being an accused child molester. Not only have the authorities shut down Neverland, but now Hungarian political parties are featuring his unique, ghoulish visage on candidacy posters, accusing their opponents of being pro-pedophilia.
How To Apologize, for Politicans and Companies Alike
From Brownlee’s neck of the woods — Dublin, Ireland’s industrial metropolis — we saw this article on issuing a good apology. Although primarily aimed at apologies issued by politicians, it should be taken as gospel by the hand waving, “We Understand Your Concern” PR gorgons we so actively loathe. We won’t sully Tom Savage’s points with any more forward commentary. Check it out:

Former Bush Advisor Arrested For Target Refund Fraud
On February 9th, Bush’s longtime domestic policy advisor Claude Allen carefully waxed his handlebar mustache, adjusted his jet top hat and — throwing a smoke bomb to the ground — disappeared from the White House with the glint-eyed mystery of the master criminal. No one knew why he’d resigned his post… all that anyone could agree was that it was pretty dang mysterious.

Bribe Your Senator With An iPod!
Upon being purchased an iPod by his daughter, Alaskan / octogenarian Senator Ted Stevens suddenly came around on the concept of fair use. So taking their cue from Senator Stevens’ conversion, iPaction.org has started a campaign to buy every senator who has a say in legislation affecting technology a brand new video iPod. The theory is that a brand-new iPod loaded with “public domain content, Creative Commons content, and audio messages about the importance of balanced copyright policy” is going to sway our lawmakers into a more lenient view of consumers’ media rights than the RIAA-propaganda they are currently being lobby-fed.