Even though President Trump recently promised that your 401(k) retirement accounts would not be negatively affected by the ongoing effort to cut taxes, the folks in Congress who are actually deciding what tax laws will be changed say that putting limits on retirement plans is still a distinct possibility. [More]

Trump Promises Tax Overhaul Will Not Include Cuts To 401(k) Plans
The Republican tax outline currently calls for large scale cuts to some taxes but has not yet provided much in the way of detail about how some of the government would offset some of those revenue losses. Recent reports said that the GOP was looking at lowering the maximum amount you can contribute to your 401(k) retirement savings — a proposal that chafed more than a few Americans. Now, President Trump is claiming that the tax plan will not touch your 401(k). [More]

Will Republican Tax Cuts Mean Lower Limit On 401(k) Contributions?
Some people with 401(k) retirement plans will put as much money into it as they can, but there are whispers that the tax cuts being drafted by Republicans in Congress could reduce the maximum amount of money you contribute to your retirement savings each year. [More]

Trump Changes Mind, Comes Out Against Bipartisan Obamacare Stabilization Bill
If you feel like you’re getting whiplash just from trying to follow the healthcare policy debate in Washington, you’re not alone; the hits in this saga have been coming seemingly nonstop. After saying the federal government would no longer pay certain subsidies that make the insurance marketplace work, President Trump at first seemed to support a bill that would create short-term stability. But that was yesterday. Today, he’s apparently changed his mind and is now against it.

Can The President Actually Take Away A Network’s Broadcast License For “Fake News”?
Irked by an NBC News story he claims is false, President Trump stated this morning that it may be time to “challenge” the network’s broadcast license. But what does that even mean — and would the Trump administration have the authority to yank a TV station’s access to the airwaves over a news story? [More]

Senate Leadership Tries To Sweeten Obamacare Replacement Bill To Gain Support
The surprise hit show of the summer, “No, Seriously, What The Heck Is Going On With Congress And Healthcare, Though?” is back for the fall season. And in our latest episode, Republican leadership in the Senate is making last-minute changes to the latest Affordable Care Act replacement bill in a targeted effort to win over reluctant GOP lawmakers before their Sept. 30 deadline. [More]

Lawmakers Seek Investigation Into Alleged Attack On FCC Commenting System
When the FCC’s new leadership officially began the process of dismantling net neutrality rules, it didn’t come as much of a surprise when an overwhelming amount of traffic crashed the Commission’s public commenting system. After all, it happened a few years ago when these rules were being written. What did surprise people was the FCC’s claim — made without providing any additional information — that the system failure was not the result of too many people trying to comment, but a malicious attack. The FCC has never fully explained how it reached that conclusion, and now some lawmakers want to know why. [More]

Trump Manufacturing Council Disbanded After Additional CEOs Resign
The private sector fallout continues for President Trump’s widely excoriated remarks about the tragic events at a recent white nationalist rally in Virginia. Two presidential advisory groups have been disbanded following the exit of additional CEOs and labor leaders. [More]

So Is Congress’ Effort To Repeal Obamacare Actually Dead For Real, Or What?
It’s been a heck of a week in D.C. On Tuesday afternoon, the Senate held a high-drama, high-stakes vote to move on a proposal to repeal and/or replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). That kicked off a frankly bonkers week of politics and politicking, with debate — and Senators’ support — all over the map. In the wee small hours of Friday morning, that effort finally shambled to a halt, fatally collapsing on itself. But is this actually the end of Congressional efforts to undo the ACA? [More]

Is Obamacare “Skinny Repeal” Actually The Senate’s Plan, Or A Way To Bring Back The House Version Instead?
UPDATE: We now know exactly what was in the “skinny” repeal bill, but any theorizing about lawmakers’ ulterior motives or hidden agendas is now moot, after Senate Republicans failed to get majority support for the legislation. [More]

Report: Senate Obamacare Replacement Vote This Afternoon May Be On “Skinny Repeal” Bill
The Senate is scheduled to start a procedure around 2:15 p.m. (Eastern time) today that could drastically change health care law in this country — but nobody, including Senators, seems to know exactly what the vote is on. In the last remaining hours before the votes are cast, here’s what we do know. [More]

Update: Senate Plan To Vote On Repeal-Only For Obamacare Is Also Dead
In the weirdness that is the state of American politics in 2017, Congress is developing a flair for late night high drama. Last night, enough Senators spoke out against the Senate’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act that the bill was determined dead — but Republicans in Congress aren’t exactly giving up yet. [More]

Two GOP Senators Come Out Against Obamacare Repeal, Possibly Dooming Bill
UPDATE: Two Republican senators have added their names to the list of GOP lawmakers opposing the latest version of the bill to repeal and replace much of the Affordable Care Act. That means the bill will fall short of the 50 votes needed to pass. [More]

Pretty Much Everyone Hates New Senate Obamacare Replacement Bill
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday unveiled a new draft of the Senate’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The bill contains steep cuts to Medicaid and an amendment that would pretty much gut the ability of anyone with a pre-existing condition to afford a policy on the individual market. So who’s opposed? Pretty much everyone, it seems — except the 50 people whose opinions matter most. [More]

What’s Changed In The New Senate Obamacare Replacement Bill, And What Happens Next?
After much ado and weeks of waiting, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today unveiled an updated draft of the Senate’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). [More]

3 Things We Know About The Senate’s Obamacare Repeal Bill
The Senate — or at least, 13 Republican senators — are currently plugging away at their version of legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Hill-watchers say the goal is to have a vote within the next two weeks, but no drafts of the bill have circulated, no hearings have been held, and all talks are closed-door — so what do we know about the bill? [More]

Could FCC Commissioner Choose Nuclear Option And Resign To Protect Net Neutrality?
Later this week, the three sitting members of the Federal Communications Commission are expected to vote 2-1 in favor of officially beginning the process of killing net neutrality. The lone neutrality defender on the FCC stands little chance of swaying her colleagues, leading some to speculate that she could slow down the repeal effort by removing herself from the equation altogether. [More]

Killing Privacy Is Fine Because “Nobody’s Got To Use The Internet,” House Rep Says
From a distance, it can often be easy to criticize Congress as being out of touch, no matter what members are actually doing or what policies they’re proposing. But every once in a while, you get a response so staggeringly clueless you wonder if a lawmaker is living on the same planet you are. [More]