
Ethical Shopping Is Pointless: An Interview With Consumer Activist George Monbiot

Ethical Shopping Is Pointless: An Interview With Consumer Activist George Monbiot

Sure, being a more conscientious shopper is gratifying; we’ve gotten in the habit of refusing bags at the store whenever we can manage to carry the goods some other way, and although it’s a small step, it feels good. But Monbiot, a British journalist and political activist who was interviewed this week on the website of newconsumer magazine, would laugh in our stupid faces at how ineffectual we’re being as consumers: “In the absence of political action it is a form of passivity.”

I am very sceptical of consumer power. I believe better consumption by itself is an entirely useless means of achieving political change. Those who have the most votes – the vote being the money you have to spend as consumers – are generally inclined to use them the least.


Concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few and restricting the free-flow of information are the two main factors to look for when deciding whether a community is sliding towards despotism, according to this retro Encyclopedia Brittanica filmstrip. [YouTube]


House votes to cut student loan interest rates by from 6.8 percent to 3.4 and increase grants for poor student by $890 by 2011 [AP]


Surgeon General testifies that Bush administration applied pressure to supress key health reports to serve political purposes. [NYT]

The Consumerist Interviews Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Presidential Candidate

The Consumerist Interviews Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Presidential Candidate

Congressman Dennis Kucinich is making another run at the Presidency, after a heavily criticized run the Democratic nomination last time, where he was written off as “a Howard Dean without the poll numbers,” whatever that means. Now, he faces a primary in his home state by another Progressive politician upset with Kucinich’s absences from their Ohio district.

Consumerist Interviews Former Senator Mike Gravel, Rogue Presidential Candidate

Consumerist Interviews Former Senator Mike Gravel, Rogue Presidential Candidate

Of all the presidential forerunners, Mike Gravel might be the one most likely, or the one who most needs, to read The Consumerist. He’s done battle with the credit card industry, and creditors, both in public office and in private life.

Support The Credit Card Act Of 2007

Support The Credit Card Act Of 2007

The Credit CARD Act Of 2007 is a bill currently before Congress aiming to end some of the credit card industry’s anti-consumer practices. Among H. R. 1461’s proposals:

Georgia Upholds Payday Loan Ban

Georgia Upholds Payday Loan Ban

Georgia narrowly rejected a bid Tuesday to repeal their ban on payday loans.

Senior Democrats Propose New Predatory Lending Legislation

Senior Democrats Propose New Predatory Lending Legislation

Airlines Are So Bad They Make Secular Progressives Agree With Bill O'Reilly

Airlines Are So Bad They Make Secular Progressives Agree With Bill O'Reilly

The fiasco managed to unite liberal California Sen. Barbara Boxer with … Bill O’Reilly.

How Important Are Consumer Issues For The 2008 Elections?

How Important Are Consumer Issues For The 2008 Elections?

Virginia House Passes Payday Loan Bill Without Interest Rate Cap

Virginia House Passes Payday Loan Bill Without Interest Rate Cap

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s (pictured, putting out fire) is the last man standing between a bill hand-written by the PayDay loan industry and Virginia consumers.

Virginia Payday Lenders To Charge Infinity Interest

An aggressive campaign by the payday loan industry has paid off in Virginia. The House of Delegates approved a bill removing all caps from interest rates charged on payday loans.

Nader Doc Plays As Dem 2008 Pre-Game

Nader Doc Plays As Dem 2008 Pre-Game

Yesterday, we popped in our advance copy of the new Ralph Nader documentary, “An Unreasonable Man,” and settled in for for two hours of propaganda…

Corporate-Wrongdoing Rules Eased, Yay!

Corporate-Wrongdoing Rules Eased, Yay!

Remember how Sen. Specter wanted those corporate-wrongdoing rules eased last week? Yesterday, his wish came true. In the wake of the 2003 Worldcom scandals, federal prosecutors received new powers in the form of guidelines written by then deputy attorney general, Larry D. Thompson.

Senator Wants Corporate-Wrongdoing Rules Eased

Senator Wants Corporate-Wrongdoing Rules Eased

Sen. Arlen Specter wants to ease the guidelines that helped nail Enron and Arthur Anderson.

New York City Lets the Bedbugs Bite

The city of New York is experiencing an epidemic of bedbugs with no apparent cause. Officials recently voted down a measure to ban the sale of used mattresses, because, duh, new mattresses are expensive and people need somewhere to sleep.

Diebold Voting Machines, Hotel Minibars Equally Secure

Diebold Voting Machines, Hotel Minibars Equally Secure

Politics are not really in our purview, but when your tax money goes to buying expensive machines that just don’t work… oh, and happen to determine the future of the entire country… we’ve just got to step up.