There are plenty of ways to copy/paste resumes and cover letters posted online for the cost of zero dollars. So if you’re going to pay a service to help you write your cover letter, you’d at least hope to get something original. And when you find out they have lied to you, you’d probably expect them to own up to their thievery. [More]

Report Alleges Chuck Norris Has A Black Belt In Plagiarism
Chuck Norris, actor and author of a syndicated column for Creators Syndicate, stands accused of borrowing the words and ideas of others without giving due credit. [More]

Conan Apologizes For Swiping Segment From Kimmel
Maybe it was plagiarism or maybe it was a coincidence, but for whatever reason, Conan ended up airing a short in which Sarah Palin hunts and shoots Rudolph after Jimmy Kimmel did the same thing two weeks before. In the video embedded below, Conan O’Brien apologizes for the mishap. [More]

South Park Creator Apologizes For Plagiarism 'Mistake'
If last week’s episode of South Park seemed familiar, it’s because you might have already seen the jokes and dialogue when they were first created, for a College Humor video. [More]

Hot Topic And Comic Artist Settle Plagiarism Dispute
The controversy involving mallternative retailer Hot Topic stealing text and images from web comic Kawaii Not is settled. This wasn’t a case of outright theft, but of miscommunication between companies. [More]

Hot Topic Steals Adorable Designs From Webcomic
Update: Meghan and Hot Topic have settled this situation. Fans of the adorable webcomic Kawaii Not were surprised to discover buttons made from comic panels for sale at Hot Topic. The problem? The artist sort of didn’t license the designs to Hot Topic, and they are copyrighted. Artist Meghan Murphy does sell her own buttons…and these aren’t those. [More]

Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Accused Of Casting Plagiarism Spell
Nearly eight months after the estate of late British author Adrian Jacobs filed charges of plagiarism against the UK publishers of Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, they have decided to add the author of the book, J.K. Rowling, to the list of defendants in what they claim could be a $1 billion case. [More]

Designer Todd Goldman Accused of Rampant Plagiarism
We’ve been seeing this story popping up here and there and weren’t sure if it was really a consumer issue, but after it showed up on BoingBoing again today we decided that there were just too many examples to ignore.
UPDATE: Lipstick Lesbians Can’t Save FCUK, Even Through Plagiarism
Did you like that FCUK Lipstick Lesbian Kung-Fu Fighting video we posted earlier? We did too, so much that we’re going to post it again… only this time, we’re going to post the Groovecutters’ ‘We Close Our Eyes’ music video its totally fucking plagiarizing.

MSM Plagiarize Raw Story Yet Again!
Poor Larissa. She’s long been the lefty light of our life, the fire of our loins. La-ri-ssa: tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to sizzle, at three, on the teeth. La! Ri! Sa! So we were heartbroken when we discovered that scarcely a week after her site, Raw Story, was plagiarized by the AP, mainstream media has done it again!

More on AP Blog Plagiarism: “We only credit blogs we know.”
Some follow-up to the story we reported on the other day about the AP not crediting bloggers. Luscious Larissa Alexandrovich, the blogger who was plagiarized by AP for a story she did on revised guidelines for US security clearance, wrote us to point our attention to the new tact AP is taking to excuse the plagiarism: now they claim that while they do credit bloggers, they don’t credit bloggers they don’t know.

AP Journalists Plagiarise Blogger
Journalists don’t respect bloggers. That’s okay, we don’t respect journalists much either. Although we will always admire a clever writer, an excellent observationalist, a sound investigator or a great reporter, the entire concept of the “journalist” — untouchable, clergy-like purveyors of knowledge and opinion in a modern world that would be lost without them — makes us want to headbutt splayed scissors. Journalists are the guys too inept and self-righteous to be good reporters, commentators or essayists.

Life 360: Twirl Around And Head Away From Christ!
Our pale blue brethren over at Kotaku, raspily wheezing through collapsed rib cages, have called our attention to this fascinating Christian rip-off of the X-Box 360 logo, happily plagiarized by a local church.