
Please Wait Until Restroom Is Unoccupied To Use Microwave. Don't Ask…

Please Wait Until Restroom Is Unoccupied To Use Microwave. Don't Ask…

With this homespun sign, Shapiro Hardware in SoHo New York politely asks that you please wait until the restroom is unoccupied before using the microwave. Huh? A commenter on the Copyranter blog where we found this notes that he used to work in a jewelry store where the electrical box was installed in the bathroom. “we got shocked when we washed our hands.” says Anonymous, “25 year old owner’s son didn’t care. I hope his balls fry some day. There are many small businesses like this I bet.”

UPS Heaps 25 Boxes At Your Door In Messy Pile

UPS Heaps 25 Boxes At Your Door In Messy Pile

There’s no better way to say “we don’t give a damn about your business” than to deliver 25 boxes stacked against your door in a slovenly pile. A reader writes:

FYE: No Kids Under 18 Allowed Until After 4 P.M.

FYE: No Kids Under 18 Allowed Until After 4 P.M.

The bus-eating abominable snowmen that commandeered I-95 early yesterday morning flummoxed our plans to return to New York on the Chinatown bus. As we wandered through Union Station assuring our mother that we would take Amtrak, we came across this magnificent sign in the music store FYE telling kids under 18—presumably a key demographic—to keep away until 4 p.m. As our friend took a picture, a surly FYE employee sternly warned that we were breaking the law.

OLPC Spotted In Wild

OLPC Spotted In Wild

Spotted a real OLPC user on the subway this weekend. An OLPC is that funky device that is supposed to be given to poor children in developing countries but the foundation did a “give one, get one” program which explains why this guy has one. Some people on the R train from Manhattan to Brooklyn gave him and his green and white contraption an odd look out the corner of their eye.

CompUSA Employees Jerking Off As They Await Store's Death

CompUSA Employees Jerking Off As They Await Store's Death

Now that they’re either liquidated or being sold to TigerDirect, it’s getting pretty chillax around CompUSA land. Here are some pictures reader Jon snapped when he went to snag some computer deals. In the left you can see a CompUSA employee whiling away his last remaining hours by playing a first-person-shooter. In the right, you can see the manager of the store talking to his friends and buying tickets for rap concerts. Jon says he stood in the computer section for twenty minutes before anyone helped him. Jon isn’t mad, really, as he got some good deals, “but what an interesting way to close out the store,” he writes on his blog. What was that, something about not with a bang, but a whimper? Full size pics inside.

Birds Live In Virginia Safeway Store

Birds Live In Virginia Safeway Store

Jose writes, I thought that the long lines and the produce always being out of stock was bad enough, but then I noticed the small family of birds living at my local Safeway (Nutley St, Fairfax, VA).

Fish Labeled As Steak

Fish Labeled As Steak

That is some lean beef right there. Reader Sam shares this picture of pieces of fish a Ralphs grocery store in Los Angeles mistakingly labeled as boneless chuck steak. This genetically modified food craze has gotten well out of hand. At least it’s “farm raised.”

Snapfish Will Delete Your Account Unless You Buy Prints Now

Snapfish Will Delete Your Account Unless You Buy Prints Now

Snapfish is threatening to delete Jim’s account unless he orders prints within the next 10 days, which is odd because Jim hasn’t uploaded photos to Snapfish. Read their weird threatening sales pitch, after the jump.

KFC Is Sneaking Extra Profit From Bigger Orders

KFC Is Sneaking Extra Profit From Bigger Orders

If you’re planning on buying some Hot Wings from KFC in Colorado Springs, Colorado, your cheapest option is to buy them in sets of six no matter how many you want. KFC charges you slightly more per wing as you buy more—”Guess they just hope nobody’s good at quick math,” our reader Jay writes.

This Spindle Of Memorex Burnable DVDs Is Full Of CDs

This Spindle Of Memorex Burnable DVDs Is Full Of CDs

Stewart spent $105 on what he thought was a spindle of Memorex burnable DVDs. What he actually received was one burnable DVD sitting proudly atop a stack of CDs.

The Burger Of Mandatory Binding Arbitration

The Burger Of Mandatory Binding Arbitration

If you step into this Whataburger in Kilgore, Texas, you automatically agree to the burger joint’s mandatory arbitration clause. At least that’s what the sign on the door says. According to Mother Jones:

Sorey says when he went in, he told a befuddled cashier that he didn’t think that the arbitration notice was enforceable, that anyway he wasn’t agreeing to it, and, “I need a taquito and a coffee.” He says he sat down, watched some traffic, and ate his taquito. “I didn’t choke, I didn’t burn myself, and I didn’t sue ’em,” he reports.

That’s one burger that’s hard to swallow. Might choke on your after you read this sign. That’s one raw burger. Etc.

Chase Sends Mixed Signals

Chase Sends Mixed Signals

[January 20, 2008. Image thanks to Pete!]

Verizon Call Center Manager Found Asleep On The Job

Verizon Call Center Manager Found Asleep On The Job

This is a picture of a Verizon call center manager sleeping on the job, according to The Call Center Blogger, who writes:

Mr. Operations Manager with last name Changco ( previous from Sykes! Anybody know him? ) is always in the habit of sleeping on the floor during work time and could care less if others, especially his agents, see him on the floor dozing off to Lala-land. My friend says he also has a penchant of passing his deliverables to his subordinates while he comfortably takes his shut-eye. He also reminds the poor agents to submit the reports to him instead of his boss supposedly so he can take credit for the agents’ work! Ang sabi pa “Ang dali lang pala nito!” Nyahaha!

If you’ve ever wondered why outsourced customer service sucks, maybe it’s because they’re hiring jokers like Corey Changco to run their call centers.

Dead Bugs Found In Health Valley Soup

Dead Bugs Found In Health Valley Soup

I bought a Health Valley split pea soup at Publix Supermarket in Miami, FL on Friday 01/11/08 in the morning before coming in to work. Around 12:30 or so when I finally felt ready to have lunch, I opened the soup only to find it infested with dead bugs.

The Problem With Using "Free" Online Services: Random Censorship

The Problem With Using "Free" Online Services: Random Censorship

Laura used Picasa to share photographs of her mastectomy with members of her support group, as well as family and friends. Now they’re gone, deleted without warning because some anonymous jackass flagged them as inappropriate. [Update: Pics are back up! Google apologized and reinstated the entire album, along with comments.] The first problem with this is that it’s hard to figure out which category of “inappropriate” surgical pictures fall under: obscenity, pornography, promotions of hate, incitement of violence, spam, malicious code, or viruses?

Need A 2-Liter Bottle Of Pepsi? Just Apply For A Walmart Credit Card!

Need A 2-Liter Bottle Of Pepsi? Just Apply For A Walmart Credit Card!

This is not funny. This is sad. Very, very sad. They should at least offer Coke.

At Home Depot, Larger Signs Mean Higher Prices

At Home Depot, Larger Signs Mean Higher Prices

Robert sent in this photo he snapped at the Home Depot in Frederick, Maryland on January 4th. “The cashier rang up all three at first and they came up as $11.97. Scanning them one by one set the price to $3.33.” Maybe the extra $2 is for the stackability of the containers. After all, you don’t get that feature with just one.

Ads For Gays Focus On Exactly What You'd Expect

Ads For Gays Focus On Exactly What You'd Expect

Ad Guy #1: Okay, these gays have money. How do we get it?Ad Guy #2: They like wangs! And cross-dressing!Ad Guy #1: Done! [They high five.] Radar takes a look at eleven gayish ads that range from over-the-top crass to “Well, if you want to see it that way” coy.