Allowance is an excellent tool to teach kids about money while cutting your own expenses. The idea is you’ll make them save up for their own stuff, which will keep you from spending as much money on them. The problem is sometimes allowance ends up being a crutch that continues well into adulthood and only teaches grown “kids” to rely on their parents for income. [More]
personal finance

Things Kids Can Teach You About Money
Parenthood makes you take on more responsibilities in all facets of your life, and one of the most crucial of those areas is money. But even financial know-it-alls always have more to learn, and may find unlikely teachers in those who have no clue about finances. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Guide to Holiday Tipping Etiquette [US News] “Even during tight economic times, thanking service workers is important–and expected.”
6 tales: Worst money advice ever [MSN Money] “When it comes to bad financial guidance, these stories from average Americans are hard to top. But they offer valuable lessons on what not to do, financial planners say.”
Which Frequent Flier Program Has the Best Awards Availability? [Wise Bread] “Here are the major airline rewards programs ranked from best to worst in terms of availability.”
24 Ways to Spend Nothing on Gift Wrap, and 4 Ways to Spend Very Little [Money Talks News] “If you plan to buy gift bags, wrapping paper, boxes, or bows this holiday season, you’re wasting your money.”
Most hated fees and price hikes [CNN Money] “What was your most hated fee or price hike?”

Unrealistic Financial Goals That May Not Be Worth The Trouble
When you work hard on your finances and don’t attain unrealistic goals you’ve set for yourself, it’s easy to get discouraged and regress into irresponsibility. Pursue bite-sized, attainable landmarks on your way to financial stability and you’ll have a better chance at succeeding. [More]

Think Like A Pauper Rather Than A Prince To Get A Fairy Tale Ending
When you’re young, you probably don’t dream of scraping by on a tiny paycheck and subsisting on Ramen and a threadbare wardrobe. Newly minted adults, as well as older people who should know better, can fall into the trap of sinking into debt to buy the trappings they think they deserve rather than living within their means. [More]

How To Survive In A Single-Income Household
The idea of a family that makes ends meet through a single paycheck seems as quaint as an episode of Leave it to Beaver, but folks find ways to make it work. There’s little strategy involved to those who pull in megabucks, but subsisting on modest income takes some work. [More]

3 Financial Dealbreakers That Could Screw Up A Relationship
For a relationship to endure over the long haul, a couple has to be financially compatible. The subject of money is a personal and extremely touchy one, even for two people in love. But those on the verge of making a major commitment, such as moving in together or marrying, would be wise to crunch some numbers and compare philosophies to see how well they mesh. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
The Complete Guide To Building Wealth In Two Sentences [Free Money Finance] “The truth behind wealth building is public domain knowledge, simple to understand, and nobody is going to get rich selling it to you.”
How to Get Your Retirement Back on Track [Smart Money] “2012 should give you several chances to patch up plans for the future. Here’s what to look for.”
9 things financial advisers won’t say [MSN Money] “If you’re seeking a professional for money-management advice, you need someone who will put your interests first. Knowing what advisers may not tell you can help with the selection.”
31 Great Gifts That Keep on Giving [Wise Bread] “If you’re looking to buy a gift this year that won’t fade away once the newness wears off, then you’ve come to the right place.”
25 Questions to Ask in the First Interview [Michael Hyatt “How do you determine if someone you are interviewing has these [positive] qualities?”

How Personal Finance Is Similar To Home Building
When you’re developing a financial plan, it helps to put a structure in place that will help it stand up over time. One metaphor that can help you is to parallel putting together your financial house with building an actual house. [More]

Avoid These Frugal Living Mistakes
Embarking on a minimalist lifestyle isn’t always a panacea. Make the wrong moves and you could end up damaging your financial profile rather than improving it, or bringing unintended misery on yourself. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Yes, Virginia, there’s an app for that [MSN Money] “Here are 10 apps to help you find the right gift without emptying your wallet.”
Health is Wealth: The Best Investment I Ever Made [Get Rich Slowly] “Years of accumulated fitness are — literally — money in the bank.”
How to Save $10,000 by Next Thanksgiving [Wall Street Journal] “We tapped financial advisers, business contacts, friends and acquaintances to hear what they had done to save money.”
My secret to super customer service [CNN Money] “These 10 consumers have mastered the art of getting what they want from customer service reps.”
How to Keep Your Holiday Spending in Check [US News] “Tips on responsible spending, handling frugal fatigue, and more.”

3 Ways To Keep From Overspending While Holiday Shopping
The holidays tend to whip up an over-spending frenzy in shoppers, getting them to abandon common sense in favor of spending their way into misery. To avoid making a string of bad decisions you’ll regret when the credit card bills come in, you’ll need careful planning and self-discipline. [More]

Determining The Right Amount Of Life Insurance
If you rely on someone else’s income or financially support others, the decision of whether or not to buy life insurance is easy. Determining the right amount to buy is far more difficult, requiring an alchemy of guesswork involving lost income, projected expenses and life expectancy. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
The 25 Best Things to Buy on Craigslist [Wise Bread] “Here (in no particular order) are the 25 best things to buy off Craigslist.”
4 Tips to Find the Right Charity [Money Talks News] “When it comes to charity, here’s how to run a check before you sign one.”
Creative ways to help a charity without spending any money [Wealth Informatics] “I am not talking about the usual suspects. We can do better than that and below I show you how.”
100 Frugal Gifts You Can Give This Christmas [Bible Money Matters] “Once you’ve set a budget finding gifts that can fit within it or that are a bit more frugal than some other possible choices can be tough. You really have to be creative.”
How to Be On a Gameshow [The Penny Hoarder] “Participating in a gameshow is an easy and fun way to make extra money.”

Make Your Money Go Farther By Stretching Out Spending Intervals
When you’re looking to cut back on spending, it’s natural to look for money-sucking activities to cut out of your life entirely. But that’s not the only way to trim a budget. Rather than eliminating what you do, you can just do those things less often. [More]

Your 20s Aren't Too Early To Worry About Retirement
Although it’s tough to plan nearly half a century ahead, the moves you make now can greatly affect your outlook when it comes time to retire. Small sacrifices today can potentially pay off exponentially as the decades roll by. [More]

Ban A Bad Shopping Habit To Save Money
It’s easy to become addicted to a daily coffee shop run, eating out for lunch or other regular buys of non-essential stuff that you’ve turned into habits. Regular splurges can worm their way into your budget and undermine your ability to save, reduce debt or spend your money in other, more worthwhile ways. [More]

Are You Responsible For Bailing Out Your Financially Irresponsible Parents?
We often hear stories about beleaguered parents who continually dip into their bank accounts to keep their fiscally foolish offspring from ending up on Skid Row. But what about when the shoe is on the younger generation’s foot? [More]