personal finance


How one blogger paid off $11,500 in 10 months using the “debt snowball” method. [No-Credit Needed]

82 Personal Finance Myths Debunked

82 Personal Finance Myths Debunked

Grad Money Matters debunks 82 of the head games we play with ourself that keep us from handling our money the way we should.

How Many Stocks Should You Own?

How Many Stocks Should You Own?

Been looking over your portfolio and noticing a bit of this, some of that, and a touch of whatever else you could find? Us too. If your portfolio looks more like a stamp collection — filled with one of everything — then consider simplifying your strategy. It will not only make your money easier to manage, but will also benefit your bottom line, according to CNN Money. They suggest a simple, two-part strategy for maximizing your investment returns…

How The Fed Rate Cut Affects You

How The Fed Rate Cut Affects You

The Fed cut interest rates Monday, but what does this mean for your wallet?

Learn The Basics Of Money

Learn The Basics Of Money

Kiplinger has launched a new site designed to teach the basics of money management and handling your personal financial life. If you’re getting started, or starting over, there’s numerous good articles here about budgets, investing, picking banks, retirement plans, insurance, etc. etc, delivered in the straightforward and personable manner for which Kiplinger is known.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

(Photo: amyadoyzie) – A New Free Personal Finance Management Site

The free personal finance management site opened to the public today.

Customize Budget Categories For Success

Customize Budget Categories For Success has an good tip to remember when trying out personal budget spreadsheets:

Emergency Funds Good For More Than Just When You Lose Your Job

Emergency Funds Good For More Than Just When You Lose Your Job

Besides losing your job, another argument for building an emergency fund, an on-hand reserve of several months pay, is “budget breakdown.”

Make Sure Your Refinance Loan Isn't A "Tax Trap"

Make Sure Your Refinance Loan Isn't A "Tax Trap"

“If you fail to follow some little-known rules for calculating your home mortgage deduction, you may be writing off too much interest. Instead of saving on taxes, you could wind up owing them,” says Business Week in next week’s “Personal Finance” column.

The Zero Based Budget

The Zero Based Budget

RateState put together a free “zero based budget” excel sheet which you can use to get a handle on your personal finances. The idea behind it is that every single dollar you earn will get allocated to a specific category. There is no money sloshing around, you have total mastery over all of your money.

9 Ways To Break Your Shopping Addiction

9 Ways To Break Your Shopping Addiction

If you compulsively shop, shop to cheer yourself up, experience regret after spending money you don’t have, run up high credit card bills, and generally behave like a freshman college student at your first beer blast, then… well, we don’t want to go all Dr. Phil on you, but you might have a little bit of a problem. Sharon Epperson, author of “The Big Payoff,” offers 9 tips on how to curb your addiction.

What Should You Do With A Windfall?

What Should You Do With A Windfall?

Mighty Bargain Hunter offers some advice on what to do with your next windfall—it doesn’t have to be a lot of money, just a little more than you planned for in your budget, leaving you happily able to pick and choose how to spend or invest it.

Watch Dave Ramsey's 90-Minute Dumping Debt Presentation For Free

Watch Dave Ramsey's 90-Minute Dumping Debt Presentation For Free

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9

How To Budget With An Irregular Income

How To Budget With An Irregular Income

Most money-management systems presuppose a steady paycheck, but No Credit Needed shows how you can track your dollars even if you aren’t sure of when they’ll arrive.

Start A Coupon Train

Start A Coupon Train

A nifty idea for increasing the benefits of coupons is to start or join a coupon train.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

A Visual Guide to the Morningstar Mutual Fund Comparison Tool [Generation X Finance] “This tool allows you to compare one fund against another, or many other funds and display the results in an easy to read format.”

Max Your Cashback Combining American Express Blue Cash And Chase Freedom Cash Visa Credit Cards

Max Your Cashback Combining American Express Blue Cash And Chase Freedom Cash Visa Credit Cards

Free Money Finance has a good post on combining the cashback powers of American Express Blue Cash and Chase Freedom Cash Visa Credit Cards for maximum moolah back in your pocket.