We often hear of customers overreacting during conflicts with store employees and restaurant workers, but sometimes, even fast food coworkers turn on each other. [More]
pepper spray

Police: Would-Be Macy’s Thief Pepper Sprayed, Bit Worker So Accomplice Could Get Away
Sure, Consumerist has covered many a story of a thief who tries to get away from store employees by biting into arms and occasionally chomping off the odd finger. We’ve also heard several tales of would-be thieves and bad customers using pepper spray to get their way. But an alleged shoplifting duo recently combined the two tactics while attempting to steal from a Pennsylvania Macy’s. [More]

Two Passengers Arrested After Pepper Spray, Razor Come Out During Fight On JetBlue Flight
You’ve probably had that feeling: the one where the plane has landed, and it’s only a matter of minutes before you’re standing up, walking down that aisle and finally getting off. But police say that moment got a bit too testy after a JetBlue flight coming from Jamaica landed at John F. Kennedy Airport yesterday morning in New York, when two female passengers got in a brawl. [More]

McDonald’s Customer & His Cat Pepper-Sprayed By Other Customer
Anyone who has worked in retail — especially foodservice — is familiar with pesky customers who have to repeatedly be told to leave the store. But one such standoff in Seattle apparently escalated quickly to the point where at least two adults and a cat were all doused in pepper spray. [More]

Florida Panera Customers Sent To The Hospital After Pepper Spray Incident
Generally when you think of a group of customers getting sick while visiting a restaurant, your mind automatically goes to the food. But that’s not always the case, as evidenced by a recent pepper spray incident at a Sarasota Panera. [More]

When You’re Getting Kicked Out Of Family Dollar, Don’t Ask Your 7-Year-Old To Pepper Spray The Employees
If you’re banned from a retail store, it’s probably best to avoid making a return visit. It’s certainly not a good idea to bring along your young children when you do pop by, and it’s definitely ill-advised to ask one of those children to use pepper spray on that store’s employees. [More]

Alleged Walmart Pepper-Sprayer Turns Self In But Won't Talk To Cops
By now you’ve likely heard about the Walmart shopper who police originally said used pepper spray to give herself a competitive advantage while bargain hunting on Black Friday. In the days since that incident made national news, the woman believed to be responsible for injuring at least 20 people has turned herself in to the the authorities — but she’s not really giving much of an explanation for why she thought a cloud of pepper spray would be a good idea. [More]

Police Pepper Spray Unruly 8 Year Old At School
Someday kids in Lakewood, Colo. will become crotchety old men who complain about how kids have it easy, saying “Why, in my day, police used to come and pepper spray second graders if they got out of line.” [More]
Sinus Blaster Pepper Spray Makes You Say Fuck
The first ad featuring rank, unbleeped obscenity has aired on the Sirius network. The product? Appropriately enough, a nasal inhalant featuring capsaicin called Sinus Blaster.