Reader Sean sent us what may not be the most egregious example of wasteful packaging, but in terms of the proportion of the item shipped to the size of the box it came in, it comes pretty close. Sean ordered a gear the size of a fingernail — literally — from Tower Hobbies.
Continuing Adventures Of The Stupid Shipping Gang
Today’s “Toothpaste For Dinner” Web comic features a visit from the Stupid Shipping Gang. A bigger version of the comic, and more adventures of the Stupid Shipping Gang, inside.
Don't Worry, This Kool Aid Doesn't Expire Until 01 Feb 11 02 11:48 CH
Chad, who sent this in, says he tried to decipher this Kool Aid‘s expiration date using the cheat sheet we posted last December, but nothing on this container matches the code format on the sheet. It can’t be that hard to print an unambiguous human readable expiration date on a product. Who else needs to read the date, other than a human? Why should the average consumer have to worry about deciphering a date? We thought we’d all pretty much agreed on some basic rules for how to keep track of the days.
Amazon Introduces Packaging Feedback
Is Amazon trying to kill off our “stupid shipping gang” tag? Alex wrote to us today to point out that now there’s a new “Packaging Feedback” link under your “My Account” page on their site. Among other things, you can leave feedback on the size of the box relative to what’s inside.
Forget all that spin about listening to customer complaints: it looks like the real reason Tropicana killed off its rebranding push after only two months is because sales dropped by 20% during that period, while some big competitors posted double-digit gains. We have a feeling Tropicana is going to end up in a lot of business and marketing textbooks in the future. [AdAge] (Thanks to Ross!)
This Pringles Super Stack Size Traps The Math Illiterate
The Super Stack can of Pringles on the right looks super big and super packed full of chips. It only has 12% more snack inside, though, while it costs 25% more of your money. Luckily, if you’re not handy with division or don’t have a calculator or phone with you, just look at the price per pound on the tags below. And never trust packaging!
One final Tropicana thing: this video clip from 5 weeks ago shows Peter Arnell explaining the thought process behind the Tropicana redesign. It’s a peek behind the curtains at how much thought goes into packaging, and how it’s designed to communicate to you subconsciously. [AdAge] (Thanks to wanda!)
Tropicana's Failed Packaging Design Was A Real Life Poochie
The Tropicana redesign disaster seemed strangely familiar to us, and we just now realized why: the Simpsons already did it.
"Loyal Customer" Backlash Forces Tropicana To Abandon New Packaging
The New York Times says that “loyal” Tropicana customers are up in arms about the new packaging, calling it “ugly,” “generic” and claiming that it looks like a store brand. Others say that the packaging makes it difficult to distinguish between the different varieties of orange juice.
Meet The Savings & Loan That Destroyed Wachovia
60 Minutes recently took a look at World Savings Bank, the acquisition that ultimately wounded Wachovia so badly that it had to be acquired by Wells Fargo. What was wrong with an institution for which Wachovia was willing to pay $25 billion? Well, one whistleblower claims that World Savings was engaged in fraud and predatory lending — tricking its customers into signing up for dangerous “option-arm” or (as they cheerfully called them) “pick-a-payment” loans.
Apple's Uses Ultra-Large Boxes To Replace Ultra-Compact USB Power Chargers
Remember those ultra-compact USB adapters Apple recalled because they could electrocute people? Like most Apple products, they were cute and small, but apparently the “environmentally friendly” computer maker decided to ship the replacement chargers in surprisingly large cushioned boxes.
This Dairy-Free Soyatoo Soy Whip May Contain Traces Of Dairy
Stephen’s wife is trying to be a good vegan, one who doesn’t eat dairy, so naturally she was surprised that her “Dairy Free” Soyatoo Soy Whip warned that it might “contain traces of dairy.”
M&M's Valentine's Day "Cupid's Mix" Is 10% Lighter Than Regular M&M Packs
Do you want to lose weight for Valentine’s Day? Then M&M’s special Valentine’s Day Cupid’s Mix is just for you! Since they’re 10% lighter than M&M’s usual holiday pack, they’ll help you lose money too. More proof that M&M’s Cupid traded in his arrow for the Grocery Shrink Ray after the jump…
Walmart Sells Blank Disc Labeled "Redneck Sh*t" As Madden 09
When Michael’s son used his Christmas money to buy a copy of Madden 09 from Walmart, he thought he was buying a copy of Madden 09, not a blank disc that said “Redneck Sh*t.”
Staples Would Tape Your Projector To A Postcard If They Could Manage It
Usually our stupid shipping gang entries focus on comically large boxes containing one or two small items, but this time we’ve got the reverse situation. Eli ordered a projector from Staples. As you probably know, projectors are fairly fragile pieces of electronic equipment. This is how Staples sent it. Eli thinks their new slogan should be, “Staples: That Was Easily Damaged.” Ships Four Hard Drives In Four Over-Sized Boxes
Steven at The Jewish Channel ordered four hard drives from, and got them, along with a packaging surprise. The packaging was very excessive. Each hard drive came in its a separate packing box 4591.75 cubic inches larger than the hard drive box it was meant to contain. In addition, that extra dead space was taken up by what amounted to a waterfall of brown packing paper. The containers, measuring 24″ x 18″ x 11.5″ could each have held six of the 10.75″ x 7″ x 5″ boxes. More pix inside. Steven writes:
Ben Popken On NBC Nightly News This Thursday
Watch NBC Nightly News on Thursday, 12/04/08, for a snippet of yours truly, Ben Popken, laying down some tough talk on the good ‘ol Grocery Shrink Ray, THE STORY THAT NEVER DIES!!! MUAHAHA!
Mom, Will You Open This? Amazon Announces "Frustration Free" Packaging
Anyone who was once a child or has been around a child during the holidays knows that toy packages are pure evil straight from hell. Now, according to a letter currently on the front page of, they’ve decided to dedicate themselves to removing this scourge from your lives.