It may be hard for Yankees fans to find a bright spot in last night’s 11th inning loss against the Angels, but we’ll try: If they lose again and force a Game 6 on Saturday, you’ll get at least one more chance this season to try Yankee Stadium’s hot cocoa — for just $10 a cup.

Bank Of America Has High Money Order Fees, Teller Recommends You Go Elsewhere
Christian writes in telling us he went into Bank of America looking for a cashier’s check or money order, and the teller was so embarrassed of his bank’s high fees — for customers, mind you — he recommended Christian look elsewhere. He writes:

Feeling Too Rich? Here's A Bag Of Rocks And A Jar For $25
We get that people want to buy objects that either represent or remind them of their faith. We don’t get Stonemarkers, though.

Bid Adieu To Home Depot's Expo Stores
Home Depot will close 34 “Expo Design Center” stores as the demand for massively overpriced toilets and light fixtures appears to be waning. Actually, never mind… Home Depot says that Expo was always a failure. “Even during the recent housing boom, it was not a strong business,” they said.

Gamestop Selling 'Not For Resale' Game Bundle, Overpriced Of Course
This Gamestop somehow ended up with extra bundles of the games that were supposed to be included in holiday Xbox 360 sets (the ones that shipped with Lego Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda). So what do they do? Why, slap a $100 price tag on them and put them on the shelves, despite their “not for resale” labeling. You can buy both games brand new for less than $80 total, by the way.

Guitar Center Corrects Prices On iPods, Gives Refunds Plus $10 Gift Cards
We received an email from Guitar Center’s Chief Marketing Officer this afternoon letting us know that the $100 markup on their iPods was a pricing mistake, and that they’re automatically refunding the difference to anyone who bought at the wrong price as well as giving them $10 gift cards.

This $8 Nectarine Dessert At Zuni Cafe Is A Little Disappointing
Customers at Zuni Cafe in San Francisco were surprised to find that their $8 dessert was nothing more than a nectarine rolling around on a plate.

POLL: 73% Of Americans Think Starbucks Is Overpriced, 21% Are Unsure, And The Rest Were Probably Being Sarcastic
A new survey says that 73% of Americans think Starbucks is overpriced, 21% said they were unsure, and only 6% came to Starbucks’ defense. (We were kidding about that sarcastic thing. Teehee.) The survey also found that the vast majority of American’s don’t go Starbucks for their daily coffee fix: