Most restaurants offer dessert, but depending on what time of day it is, they might not want you to actually order it. Profit margins on desserts aren’t great, and restaurants would rather you left your table to more paying customers or ordered something more profitable if you’re going to stick around and take up space. [More]

Delicious Accident Leaves Highway Covered In Cake
We’ve written plenty of stories about delicious desserts that can do damage to your system if you overindulge, but here’s one about how these treats clogged up an entirely different kind of artery. [More]

Breast Milk Ice Cream Confiscated From London Shop
When we wrote about the London ice cream shop that had made a frozen treat from human breast milk, some readers wondered about the legality and/or safety of such a product. Well, they weren’t alone, as local authorities decided to confiscate the ice cream until those questions were resolved. [More]

Crazed Ice Creampreneur Keeps Inventing Horrific Flavors, People Keep Buying Them
If you were tricked into volunteering for a Big Brothers Big Sisters-style program, and you live in San Francisco, here’s an easy way to get out of the job. Take your kid to the Humphry Slocombe ice cream shop in San Francisco’s Mission District and order her some Coconut Candy Cap Caramel sorbet–the “candy cap” is mushroom! Or try the Salted Licorice, which Elizabeth Weil in the New York Times says her kids threw on the sidewalk. Or leave the kids at home and try the Secret Breakfast, which contains so much bourbon that “the scoop always runs soft.” [More]

"Brownie Husband" Brings Emotional Eating To Delicious New Level
Tina Fey’s new fake commercial for a product called “Brownie Husband” is delicious and gross. (Whoever made the prop should get a special award.) It captures in one ridiculous product all the promises advertisers make about filling your emotional needs, with just a microwave and a vacuum-molded plastic tray. It’s also kind of food porn-y. Watch it below. [More]

This $8 Nectarine Dessert At Zuni Cafe Is A Little Disappointing
Customers at Zuni Cafe in San Francisco were surprised to find that their $8 dessert was nothing more than a nectarine rolling around on a plate.