
Strip Club Nearly Blinds Southwest Pilots At Love Field

Strip Club Nearly Blinds Southwest Pilots At Love Field

Strip clubs and cockpits don’t mix, at least not when there’s a spinning search light involved, says the FAA. The agency has asked Bombshells, a club near Love Field Airport in Dallas, TX, to keep its newly installed rooftop light turned off after the pilot for a Southwest flight reported his cockpit was flooded with light while trying to land the plane. The pilot feared that it was a laser strike, which can cause temporary blindness. [More]

Petroleum Platform Explodes In The Gulf Of Mexico

Petroleum Platform Explodes In The Gulf Of Mexico

Because the water in the Gulf of Mexico wasn’t screwed up enough as it is, now come reports that an offshore petroleum platform has exploded and is on fire in the Gulf Mexico, approximately 80 miles off the Louisiana coast. [More]

Loan Applicant Receives Rejection Letter Calling Her 'One Crazy Ass Bitch'

Loan Applicant Receives Rejection Letter Calling Her 'One Crazy Ass Bitch'

When the owner of a Seattle beauty salon had her application for a loan from the Rainier Valley Community Development Fund denied last year, that was bad enough. When she later received what appeared to be a second rejection letter for the same loan application, she discovered that the reason for her inability to get the loan was that she is a “crazy ass bitch.” [More]

Airline: Please Disregard That Last "We're Going To Crash" Announcement

Airline: Please Disregard That Last "We're Going To Crash" Announcement

So you’re flying several thousand feet above the North Sea when you hear a voice over the intercom say, “This is an emergency announcement… We may shortly need to make an emergency landing on water.” That’s what happened to 275 passengers on a British Airways flight from London to Hong Kong earlier this week. But there’s a semi-happy ending — the announcement was a mistake. [More]

Krispy Kreme Accidentally Gives Customer $5,000 Box Of

Krispy Kreme Accidentally Gives Customer $5,000 Box Of Donuts

The manager of a Krispy Kreme in North Carolina protected each day’s haul by hiding it in a donut box. Krispy Kreme just happens to sell donuts by the boxful to its customers, so it’s clear that absolutely nothing could go wrong with this plan. [More]

Seattle Cop Gives Parking Ticket To Corpse, Doesn't Notice He's Dead

Seattle Cop Gives Parking Ticket To Corpse, Doesn't Notice He's Dead

A parking enforcement officer apparently lacked the ability to distinguish between the sleeping and the dead after she gave a ticket to a man who had shuffled off this mortal coil hours earlier. [More]

Be Sure To Update Citi iPhone App To Delete Sensitive Info

Be Sure To Update Citi iPhone App To Delete Sensitive Info

It looks like Citi doesn’t just do a crappy job of protecting customer info in the mail. The bank admitted yesterday that its Citi Mobile iPhone app was storing sensitive data in a hidden file on users’ phones and possibly their computers. [More]

AT&T Really Wants Everyone To Know About Their Remodeled Store In Niles, Michigan

AT&T Really Wants Everyone To Know About Their Remodeled Store In Niles, Michigan

Either someone at AT&T thinks thousands of its customers need to know about its newly renovated store in Niles, MI — a town of around 12,000 not far from the Indiana border — or someone at AT&T screwed up and sent out e-mail announcements about the store to the wrong distribution list. Because we’ve gotten several complaints — including one from yours truly — about this apparent gaffe. [More]

These Fries Must Last A Really Long Time

These Fries Must Last A Really Long Time

According to the sell by date, these Alexia Potato Julienne fries will last you until 6,071,100,111. [More]

WellPoint Security Breach Exposes 470,000 Credit Card Numbers & Medical Records

WellPoint Security Breach Exposes 470,000 Credit Card Numbers & Medical Records

Health insurance giant WellPoint has already annoyed its customers by trying to jack up their rates and dropping breast cancer patients’ coverage after they’d been diagnosed with the disease. But now they really have some explaining to do, after a security breach exposed medical records, credit card numbers and other information of 470,000 customers. [More]

This Kohl's T-Shirt Is A Great Bargain, If You Want To Introduce A New Stereotype

This Kohl's T-Shirt Is A Great Bargain, If You Want To Introduce A New Stereotype

This “I’m Irish” tee from Kohl’s originally retailed for $20, but now you can get it for only two dollars. I’m definitly buying one. (Thanks to Dale!) [More]

Verizon Sued By Wisconsin AG For Billing Non-Verizon Customers

Verizon Sued By Wisconsin AG For Billing Non-Verizon Customers

The Attorney General of Wisconsin has had it up to here (I’m holding my hand somewhere slightly over my head) with Verizon and has filed a lawsuit against the telecom giant alleging that Verizon was not only sending bills to people who didn’t order Verizon services, but then sent some customers to collection agencies after they refused to pay. [More]

Top 6 Examples Of Why No One Trusts Banks These Days

Top 6 Examples Of Why No One Trusts Banks These Days

Seems like in the last few years that big banks make embarrassing errors as often as criminals commit crimes at Taco Bell. So it was no small feat for the editors over at CNN Money to whittle it down to their list of 6 Biggest Banking Blunders of recent years… By the way, three of them involve Bank of America. [More]

There's A Reason You Can Get This House At A Discount

There's A Reason You Can Get This House At A Discount

Now, many of you don’t know that I have a degree in architecture. So maybe it’s only my keen eye that can discern the minute tectonic details that would make this particular McMansion Lite slightly less expensive than another one. Can your novice senses detect the reason? [More]

AT&T Suspends iPhone Sales, Didn't Fully Test Pre-Order System

AT&T Suspends iPhone Sales, Didn't Fully Test Pre-Order System

If you were hoping to pre-order the iPhone 4 through AT&T’s website today, you’re out of luck. A visit to the wireless giant’s pre-order site for the latest Apple super-phone gives you the terse note that “Pre-orders for iPhone temporarily suspended.” [More]

Target Realizes Spain Is No Longer A Dictatorship; Pulls Shirt With Franco Flag

Target Realizes Spain Is No Longer A Dictatorship; Pulls Shirt With Franco Flag

While it’s nowhere near as embarrassing as the Walmart Nazi skull shirt fiasco of 2007-08, the folks at Target are more than a little red in the face after having to pull a shirt featuring the former flag of Spain, which is now closely associated with murder-happy dictator General Francisco Franco. [More]

AT&T Issues An "Our Bad" For Huge iPad Security Breach

AT&T Issues An "Our Bad" For Huge iPad Security Breach

Surely you remember last week, when a security breach exposed the e-mail addresses of 114,000 owners of Apple iPads. Well, it took a few days, but AT&T finally got around to the point in the “taking it seriously” grieving process called “sort of admitting responsibility and promising not to do it again.” [More]

Sorry, We Already Buried A Lady Next To Your Husband

Sorry, We Already Buried A Lady Next To Your Husband

The last place you want to find The Other Woman is on her back next to your husband. Especially when he’s dead. A woman named Lillas Hawkins in California found just that when she went to visit her husband’s grave two weeks ago. When she pointed out the error to a cemetery worker, she says he responded, “We are in terrible trouble.” The cemetery is owned by a company named Dignity. [More]