Blowing $100,000 on a wedding is still in season, and there’s no better way to show up your over-spending friends than by throwing a lavish affair without bankrupting your parents. Inside, seven tips to have a lovely and affordable wedding.
on the cheap

Cremation: The Cheap And Environmentally Friendly Alternative To Burial
Cremation is catching fire as Americans look for low-cost, low-resource alternatives to burial. Cremation often costs half as much as traditional funerals – $4,000 instead of $8,000 – and does not require wood or land space. This combination is putting the heat on traditional funeral homes.
In theory, death care should be immune from short-term economic swings. Death is one of only two sure things in life, and the U.S. population is aging.

Tips For A "Greener" Autumn
LighterFootprint has compiled a list of things you can do during the fall to help lower your impact during the winter. Lowering your impact usually means lowering your energy costs, so it’s a good idea to pay attention to these tips even if you hate the planet and want it to melt.

Fall Is A Good Time To Fertilize Your Lawn
The summer is winding down and the days are getting shorter. Sigh. Time to fertilize your lawn. Taking a few steps in the fall will help your lawn avoid disease and will ultimately save you money.

Top 10 Most Frugal New Cars
Forbes magazine has released a list of the top 10 least expensive cars to own. The list is interesting because it takes into account things like depreciation and maintenance costs, rather than just listing some cheap-ass cars.

How to Store Your Food So It Lasts Longer
Helpful household tip site Gomestic teaches us how to store our food so it will last longer. Here’s one tip we didn’t know:
Got a little bit of yogurt and some milk and cream? Wish you just had more yogurt? Make some. Bacteria is so cool. [Instructables]

Make Refrigerator Pickles!
If one leaves one’s pickles in the fridge, one does not have to go through the whole canning process.
How To Save On The Golf Course
Golf doesn’t have to be the expensive, effete, sport of the affluent ruling class that popular culture has made it out to be. Not if you follow five simple tips from No Credit Needed:

Knit A Dishrag Out Of Old Clothes
Got some old clothes you were going to to throw away? You can cut them up and knit a dishrag out of them! The resulting dishrag is actually really cute, we imagine you could use it for something more glorious than scrubbing pots.

10 Ways To Recycle Old CDs
We know you’ve got a bunch of old CDs laying around your place, so here’s a list of 10 things you can do with them from DIY site Curbly.
How To Save On Funeral Expenses
Dearly beloved, we gather here today to remember that the funeral industry is a sales-based profession with tips and tricks like any other. Consumers often lower their guard in deference to the pain and reverence that accompanies funeral planning; yet just because you are bereaved, doesn’t mean you should be taken for a sap. Here are a few tips to keep funeral costs manageable:

TSA: Where Do All The Little Scissors And Knives Go?
Last year, according to Transportation Security Administration figures, airport agents collected 12,295 “clubs, bats and bludgeons”; 1.6 million “knives and blades”; and 74,665 other objects classified as “deadly/dangerous.”

Make Envelopes Out Of Recycled Paper
If you are like us, you have tried to make an envelope because you were out of envelopes but you wanted to mail something and the mailbox was much closer than the store.

Blogger Amanda at Young and Broke reminds us of how much we miss Stanley’s Fruit and Vegetables in Chicago (Think: Organic strawberries for $0.49) What are your favorite cheap produce sources?

10 Tips For Summer Wine Drinking
. They are so food friendly and offer something with more substance than a white. I like ones from Provence, such as Domaine Sorin, but they actually come in a range of styles.

How To Eat Healthy For Less Money
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center has tips for eating healthy while saving money, and we think the tips are great.

Get Free Shipping Materials From The Post Office
If you’re going to be mailing stuff, why pay for envelopes and boxes when the USPS will send you great ones for free? The USPS will send you Priority Mail flat rate boxes, shoe boxes, envelopes, video boxes, address labels, stickers…. as well as all the various forms you might need… for free.