
Halliburton Moves HQ From Houston To Dubai

Halliburton Moves HQ From Houston To Dubai

Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar today announced they’re moving the headquarters from Texas to the United Arab Emirates. From the Washington Post:

The Colonel Axes Trans Fats

The Colonel Axes Trans Fats

According to the New York Times, KFC chicken will no longer contain trans fats.

U-Haul Keel-Hauled Over Gas Charges

Everyone hates U-Haul lately. From booking appointments and then not honoring them to charging you for canceling bookings that you didn’t want, the company tops our long list of scummy corporations.

Stephen Colbert Versus High Gas Prices

This is a couple years old, but we’re posting it for two reasons: one, it’s Stephen Colbert interviewing his daughter, demonically possessed by Getty Oil. It’s adorable and worth a chuckle.Two, the point the segment makes is as pertinent as ever: if gas stations can lower their prics by thirty cents and find business and profit booming, exactly why aren’t gas prices thirty cents lower per gallon? Oh wait… greed. Right.

Wal-Mart Takes A Page From Jiffy Lube’s Book

Looking to Jiffy Lube for inspiration, Wal-Mart has seen the light: turn-around and profit both are a hell of a lot higher when you don’t actually bother doing the work.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• I’m toying with the idea of taking my friend who has Asperger’s to a brothel before he returns to Canada. Good idea or am I insane? [Link]

Giant Puddle of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico

Giant Puddle of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico

In one of the largest oil finds in several decades, Chevron successfully ran a test-well in the Gulf of Mexico into a reserve with the potential for 3-15 billion barrels. The drilling opened up new possibilities for ultra-deepwater offshore drilling, but don’t expect it to affect pump price anytime soon. The first drop won’t hit markets until 2012, experts say.

Shave Decimals Off The Gallon With MSN Autos

Shave Decimals Off The Gallon With MSN Autos

Truth in Advertising, Courtesy of Sunoco

Truth in Advertising, Courtesy of Sunoco

BP Oil Leak Maybe Not So Bad

BP Oil Leak Maybe Not So Bad

A 200 gallon British Petroleum oil spill discovered in Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay caused price per gallon to rise past $76 Monday and threaten the shutdown of the nation’s largest oil field. However, BP officials intimated they’re looking into ways to conduct repairs and checks without disabling the entire operation.

BP Closes Major Alaskan Oil Field

BP Closes Major Alaskan Oil Field

Due to a leak, British Petroleum announced an indefinite shutdown of the Prudhoe Bay field, which produces 8% of the US oil supply. Crude oil prices rocketed past $76.

The News; Wal-Mart Hires Flying Nun

The News; Wal-Mart Hires Flying Nun

• Mr. Hooters is dead at 69, huh huh. [NYT] “Robert H. Brooks, 69, Owner of Hooters Restaurant Chain, Is Dead”

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

• Ebay prez pledges to get rid of those 95 cent items with $50 shipping costs. [Ebay]

Bloody Oil Makes Blood Boil

Bloody Oil Makes Blood Boil

Eagle-eyed reader Billifer von Raptor spotted the following sign in a local Wahoo’s Fish Taco in San Diego, CA and was disturbed by its promise, what with something in Afghanistan and Iraq going on.

Pith & Vinegar…and Ice Cream!

Pith & Vinegar…and Ice Cream!

• Mr Softee co-founder dead. Relatives, friends, spoke hardening in his old age. [1010Wins]

HOWTO: Save at the Pump

HOWTO: Save at the Pump

Gordon Gekko to Blame for High Gas Prices

Looking for someone to blame for high gas prices? An editorial on the Arizona Republic claims it isn’t fat-cat oil barons taking enemas of sweet crude whilst squatting over solid gold bidets in their fancy European palaces that are jacking up the price of oil: it’s Michael Douglas from Wall Street, trading in hedge funds over his torso-sized army field phone.

Hawaiian Gas Cap Bleeds Customers Even Drier

Hawaiian Gas Cap Bleeds Customers Even Drier

Now that we are all paying for gas not with money (who can afford it?) but priceless, non-inflationary currencies like our daughter’s virginities and healthy human livers, you might start thinking that the government should get involved. “They should regulate, control and cap gasoline prices for our nation’s motorists!” you might cry.