Now that there’s a finalized settlement between the Department of Justice and BP that puts an end to the legal debacle related to the 2010 explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico — which left eleven dead and released millions of gallons of oil into the water — officials are taking a close look at the claims made against BP… including one filed by a dog named Lucy for $36,000. [More]

Lawyer Accused Of Submitting 40K False Claims Against BP After Oil Spill (Including One For A Dog Named Lucy)

You Can Buy Gas For Under $2 Per Gallon In At Least 12 States Right Now
A few weeks ago, we heard gas prices would probably start dipping below $2 per gallon in many parts of the country as soon as this fall. And in some states, those low prices can already be found at some gas stations. But even so, given the price of crude oil right now, gas should be even cheaper, experts say. [More]

Gas Station Owners Aren’t Passing Their Savings On To Consumers
You may have noticed prices gradually falling at your neighborhood gas station over the last few months, what you may not know is that the price of oil has been falling even faster than that. Why aren’t station owners passing the savings on to drivers? They’re in a generally low-margin business, and we’re all still buying gas anyway. [More]

LEGO Dumps Deal Allowing Shell Gas Stations To Hand Out Toy Sets After Campaign Against Arctic Drilling
Danish toy company LEGO has ditched a deal it had with Shell that allowed the company to hand out toy sets at its gas stations in about 30 countries around the world, after Greenpeace activists launched a campaign against Shell drilling in the Arctic. [More]

Don’t Put Your Bread In The Fridge & Other Important Food Storage Tips
We’ve all got a somewhat innate sense of where to store the foods we eat in our modern cultures — you’re not going to stick your ice cream in the pantry and expect it to stay frozen, or freeze your fresh apples. But what about butter — countertop or refrigerator? Should I really use that “eggs” slot on the inside of my fridge door? Answer us, oh kitchen gods! [More]

Probe: BP Cost-Cutting Led To Spill
BP’s infamous oil spill last year in the Gulf of Mexico might have been prevented had the company not offered incentives to workers to cut costs rather than improve safety. A 16-months-in-the-making government report concluded that there were five instances in which BP either cut costs, decreased drilling time or increased risks. [More]

Oil Prices Drop 4.5% As 60M Barrels Are Unexpectedly Released
Expect some much-needed relief at the pump! The US and its industrial allies unexpectedly announced that they’re releasing 60 million barrels of crude oil from reserves over the next 30 days. The move came after a recent OPEC meeting failed to result in increased production. Oil prices immediately kicked down 4.5% on the news. Time to fill up the ‘ol SUV and do some donuts before the market realizes it overreacted and prices go back up! [More]

Analysts: Gas Prices Should Drop In June
By next month, $4 gas may be in our rear-view mirrors. Falling oil commodities prices will translate to less pain at the pump if analysts’ predictions come true. [More]

Big Oil Companies Sucked Up Much Higher Profits Than They Did A Year Ago
You may not be too pleased about paying higher and higher gas prices, but rest assured that your money is going to a good cause — the continued enrichment of big oil. In the first quarter of 2011, the five largest oil companies all upped their massive profits from a year ago. [More]

Rising Gas Prices May Lead To Fuel Surcharge Increases On Shipments
Surging gas prices affect not only those with gas guzzlers, but potentially just about every product you buy. Rising shipping costs will likely be passed on to consumers, who will have less money to cover the costs because of other ways expensive gas is sucking them dry. [More]

Social Media Campaigns Urge You To Avoid Getting Gas Today
In an effort to prove that demand for gasoline isn’t quite as constant as oilmen would like to think, consumer advocates are taking to social media sites to get drivers to skip trips to the pump today. [More]

Government May Tap Petroleum Reserve To Tame Pump Prices
Because Middle Eastern turmoil is inflating the price of oil, leading to runaway gas prices that are in no way examples of gouging, the government is considering turning toward its own petroleum stockpile. [More]

Gas Station Owner Says He's Not Gouging Customers
Gas prices keep rising at a ridiculous rate, but gas station owners aren’t to blame — take it from a gas station owner. [More]

Middle East Turmoil Makes Oil Prices Gush
Ongoing protests and government upheaval in the Middle East may be great for freedom, but the phenomenon is costly for anyone who needs to buy gas. Oil shot up past $100 a barrel Wednesday, its highest point in more than two years. [More]

Gas Prices Rise Amidst Egyptian Turmoil, But Now Holding Steady
The upheaval in Egypt is raising prices at the pump, with average prices rising to $3.10 a gallon, according to data from GasBuddy. Though Egypt is not a major supplier of oil, the Egyptian-controlled Suez canal and the nearby Sumed pipeline are key pass-through points for the world’s oil supply, and there are concerns that the civil unrest could spread to other oil-producing countries. As of Tuesday upwards pressure on oil prices eased off as so far back the protests haven’t disrupted transportation. [More]

So Whatever Happened To All That Oil Spilled In The Gulf Anyway?
Remember all that oil that BP spilled into the Gulf this summer? Whatever became of it? Well, good news. Bacteria ate most of it, reports Slate, and the other stuff was skimmed back up, evaporated, burned off, or it got diluted out into the seas. [More]