Now that there’s a finalized settlement between the Department of Justice and BP that puts an end to the legal debacle related to the 2010 explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico — which left eleven dead and released millions of gallons of oil into the water — officials are taking a close look at the claims made against BP… including one filed by a dog named Lucy for $36,000. [More]
oil spill

Lawyer Accused Of Submitting 40K False Claims Against BP After Oil Spill (Including One For A Dog Named Lucy)

Judge Rules BP Grossly Negligent In 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
It might be an understatement to say that BP hasn’t had the best go of it the last four years. You know – that huge oil spill, the deaths of dozens of workers and, of course, being named the 2011 Worst Company in America by Consumerist readers. Well, things aren’t looking much better, as the company was found negligent in that 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil well blowout. [More]

Frontline Investigates BP's Internal Culture Of Wet Greed And Hot Fear
Frontline digs into the muck of BP’s corporate culture leading up to the biggest environmental disaster in American history in a new hard-hitting investigation. Through interviews with current and former employees and regulators and experts, Frontline probes the internal environment of wet greed and hot fear that spawned the oily monster ravaging the Gulf. Catch “The Spill” on Oct 26. Here’s a preview: [More]

BP Says Well Is Plugged, Report Says 3/4 Of Oil Gone
BP says that they have stoppered up the well leaking in the Gulf of Mexico. They have filled the well up with mud and reached the desired pressure, they say, a maneuver known as “Static Kill.” [More]

BP Loses $17 Billion, CEO Gets Life Back
As was reported over the weekened, BP CEO Tony Hayward, famous for complaining about how the Gulf of Mexico oil spill had eaten into his private time, is officially being pushed to the side. The news comes on the same day the petroleum giant posted a record $17 billion quarterly loss. [More]

If You Get An E-Mail From The CEO Of BP, It's Probably A Scam
Here’s a tip: Unless you’re a high-ranking member of the military or government, you’re probably not going to be getting any e-mails sent to you by big-mouthed British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward. But for those who do see something from ol’ T-Bone in the their inbox, the Attorney General in Florida wants you to know it’s probably a scam. [More]

Costner's Waterworldian Devices To Clean Up BP Oil Spill
From the fell through the cracks file, Kevin Costner is going to save us all from the BP oil spill, using technology inspired by the urine-drinking opening sequence to Waterworld. Except this time the noxious substance extracted from the water will be oil and no one will drink it. [More]

Oil Now Washing Up In Biloxi; BP Sends Three People To Clean It Up
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to expand, despite BP’s boasting about the number of barrels they pull out of the water each day. Over the weekend, the crude washed up for the first time on the shores of mainland Mississippi, driving away the already scant number of tourists. [More]

Spirit Airlines Launches "Check Out The Oil On Our Beaches" Promo
Spirit Airlines is known for pushing its bottom-scraping fees with crass emailed promos, but usually they just stick with dorky sex puns. Now they’re branching out into sociopolitical commentary with their latest “Check Out The Oil On Our Beaches” promotion that leverages the BP oil spill in comedy and marketing gold. [More]

Gulf Oil Spill Ruining July 4th Fireworks For Louisiana Town
With the summer of 2010 shaping up to be not exactly peachy for many towns on the Gulf of Mexico as they watch balls of oil drift toward their shores, a number of folks in the region won’t even have their traditional July 4 fireworks to look forward to. [More]

Report: BP Putting $20 Billion Aside For Paying Oil Spill Victims
As reported late last week, British Petroleum had set an early estimate of $14 billion for payouts to workers and businesses crippled by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But a new report claims that BP has set aside a higher total of $20 billion for this reason. [More]

BP Swears It's Going To Try A Little Harder
After getting a verbal boot in the butt from the U.S. Coast Guard about their lackadaisical attitude toward cleaning up their mess in the Gulf of Mexico, British Petroleum has come back with a slightly more aggressive schedule for mopping up the disaster. [More]

Coast Guard To BP: Hurry The Hell Up
Perhaps figuring that if a little forceful nudge from the federal government can get BP to stop dragging its feet on paying businesses hurt by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the U.S. Coast Guard has now told the oil giant that they really need to step up their actions with regards to both stopping the spewing crude and containing/cleaning up the mess that’s already been made. [More]

Gulf Oil Spill Shutting Down 134-Year-Old Oyster House
Though BP may be not dragging their feet as slowly on getting out payments to businesses crippled by the huge oil slick that used to be the Gulf of Mexico, that money can only go so far toward keeping established businesses above water. [More]

BP Estimates Oil Spill Cleanup Costs At $3-6 Billion
On the same day scientists studying the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico say that previous guesses at the amount of crude leaked into the water have been greatly understated, British Petroleum has put together their first estimate of what it’s going to cost the oil giant to clean up the mess. [More]

Keep Track Of BP Oil Spill Casualties With
Though BP has made attempts to keep reporters away from the icky, oily dead and dying animals floating in on the greasy tides of the Gulf of Mexico, they haven’t been able to stop the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service at bay. [More]

If Only BP Would Follow The Advice On Its Own Signs
Tanja’s friend snapped this shot at a BP-owned gas station. It’s important to remember that if you cause huge, needless spills of petroleum products it’s only right to clean up after yourself. [More]