For many people, this Fourth of July long weekend is sure to be a busy one — Parades! Picnics! Parties! But when the fireworks have all stopped and you’ve been rendered immobile after consuming too many grilled things — or if you just need a few hours to not talk to your family and friends about the definition of “patriotism” — you can still get into the spirit of the weekend with some movies. [More]
fourth of july

A Bunch Of Patriotic-ish Movies You Can Stream If You’re Stuck Indoors This July 4th
For many people, this Fourth of July weekend is sure to be a busy one — Parades! Picnics! Parties! But when the fireworks have all stopped and you’ve been rendered immobile after consuming too many grilled things — or if you just need a few hours to not talk to your family and friends — you can still get into the spirit of the weekend with some movies. [More]

Which Fireworks Are Legal In My State?
Aside from a pair of federal-level regulations on certain types of fireworks, what you can or can’t set off this Fourth of July weekend will depend on which state you’re in. [More]

Listen To A Guy With Experience Talk About Fireworks Safety
This holiday weekend, many Americans will no doubt be in the mood to celebrate Independence Day with brightly colored fireworks that go “whiz!” and “bang!” and make us all proud we got rid of the British early on. But no matter how fun fireworks can be, they can also be very, very dangerous. To bring that message home, New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul is sharing the story of how he lost part of his hand in a firework accident [More]

Study Spoiling 4th Of July Fun Says Fireworks Release Harmful Particulates Into The Air
Just in time for the Fourth of July comes some news that might put a damper on your celebrations: A new study says exploding fireworks create toxic air pollution that could be harmful to your health. Happy Independence Day, everyone. [More]

25 All-American Movies & TV Shows You Can Stream This 4th Of July
While we usually think of fireworks, backyard barbecues and the hot sun beaming down on red, white and blue parades around the country, this year’s 4th of July celebrations might be somewhat dampened as many parts of the country face some wet weather. Or heck, maybe it’s too hot to leave the AC. Either way, we’ve got 25 movies and TV shows you can stream to stay in the American spirit. [More]

Which Fireworks, If Any, Are Legal In My State?
Like many kids whose families made biannual treks down I-95 to Florida, I used to beg my mom to please let me stock up on all the brightly colored and colorfully named fireworks you could buy at places like South of the Border. And every year on July 4th, I’d still be stuck with my stupid sparklers while the kids down the block set off their Fiesta Bombs and Earth Shakers. But hey, at least I wasn’t breaking the law, no matter how awesome it would have been. [More]

July 4th Travel Traffic Expected To Return To Pre-Recession Levels
Planning on loading the car up and hitting the road or hopping on a plane to a sandy beach this Fourth of July next weekend? Hope you don’t mind being accompanied by a few million of your closest friends. [More]

Can I Legally Light Off Fireworks In My State? What About Sparklers?
Though some of you will mark the July 4th holiday by illegally tossing cherry bombs off your roof, we know that most of you want to do things the safe and legal way. Of course, the particulars of what you’re allowed to set off depends a lot on where you live. [More]

Fireworks Can Explode Both Plastic And Flesh Humans
Those wild and crazy folk over at the CPSC blew up a bunch of mannequins with fireworks on a public lawn in DC to showcase the danger of improperly using fireworks, using illegal fireworks and using professional fireworks when you are not a professional. Here’s the disturbing video. And if you’re a sick puppy, here’s the safety demonstration set to the 1812 overture. Instead of becoming like one of the disfigured humanoids in the video, here’s a few safety tips you can follow: [More]

Gulf Oil Spill Ruining July 4th Fireworks For Louisiana Town
With the summer of 2010 shaping up to be not exactly peachy for many towns on the Gulf of Mexico as they watch balls of oil drift toward their shores, a number of folks in the region won’t even have their traditional July 4 fireworks to look forward to. [More]