Sports Authority is pushing a new “Extended Coverage Plan” for footwear that runs for one year after Sports Authority’s 30-day warranty expires. The extended warranty, which costs between $4.99 and $15.99, supposedly even covers normal wear and tear. So how is this profitable?

The Extra Fiber In Quaker Natural Granola: Chunks Of Wood
James’ seven-year-old daughter was happily noshing on her Quaker Natural Granola when she came across this chunk of wood. Quaker was quick to send James a coupon so he could buy more woody granola from Costco, but then offered a refund when reminded that the bulk warehouse doesn’t accept manufacturer’s coupons.
A antique hunter in Texas may have found the earliest known recipe for Dr. Pepper in a ledger from the pharmacy where it was invented. Don’t try to mix up a batch, though. The “D Peppers Pepsin Bitters” formula sounds pretty gross. [ Dallas Morning News ]

KFC Wants To Fix Chicago's Pothole Problem
Will sponsored pot holes sell chicken? KFC seems to think so. They’ve asked the City of Chicago if they can fix potholes — in exchange for including a white stencil saying the spot was “Re-freshed by KFC.”

Shopper Arrested For Saying "The F Word" At Walmart
Well, here’s a truly weird story, disorderly conduct charges have been dropped against a Texas woman who dropped an f-bomb at her local Walmart.

Why Is A.I.G. Using Our Money To Sue The Government For $306 Million?
A.I.G. is suing the government to recover over $300 million in tax breaks that the insurance company says were improperly denied. What sort of tax breaks? The sort otherwise known as illegal Cayman Island tax shelters.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's Childhood Home Sold After Foreclosure
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is from a small town in South Carolina called Dillon — a town where the impact of the economic meltdown is being felt keenly.

10 Human Teeth Found In Walmart Wallet
According to the Cape Cod Times an unidentified shopper was browsing through the wallets at a Falmouth, MA Walmart, when he unzipped one of the compartments and found a surprise — ten human teeth. One of them even had a filling.

Do Not Hide An Engagement Ring In A Frosty And Then Hold An Eating Contest
Reed Harris wanted a memorable proposal — but he probably should have thought his plan through a little better. He hid an engagement ring in his girlfriend’s Wendy’s Frosty — and then he and his friends challenged her to a race to see who could eat their Frosty first. What could go wrong?
We suppose people in prison are consumers, too. The state of California’s prison system has just been declared unconstitutional due to severe overcrowding. CNN says “California must reduce the number of inmates in its overcrowded prison system by up to 40 percent to stop a constitutional violation of prisoners’ rights.” Raise your hand if you want to go home. [CNN]

Citibank Inserts Advertising Into Your Account Activity
Reader Eric was looking at his credit card account activity when he noticed something odd. No, it wasn’t an unauthorized charge. It was advertising.

Two Wisconsin Walmarts Evacuated Due To Mysterious Odors, FBI Investigates
The FBI is investigating an incident in which a mysterious chemical was released in a Wisconsin Walmart sending 47 people to the hospital — and is not investigating a Walmart in the same county that had to be evacuated the next day due to an odoriferous sewer problem. What an odd coincidence.

Iowa Town Uses Garlic Salt To De-Ice The Roads
The roads in a certain Iowa town are deliciously garlic-y. They’ve been using garlic salt to de-ice the streets.

Swap Your Crappy Stock For A Day At The Beach
If you’re feeling pessimistic, you can swap your depressed stock for a week at the beach. [NYT] (Thanks, handsatlanta!)

We All Need Extra Income
Hey, if you’ve got $28,000, you can use it to rent Steve Martin’s house for a week. [WSJ]

TombStone Pizza Vending Machine Seen As Harbinger Of Apocalypse
The existence of a TombStone pizza vending machine is being interpreted by some as a sign that the end is near.

"Dollar Or More" Store Apparently Doing Better Than "99 cents Or Less" Store
Reader Daniel says that this “dollar store” where everything is a dollar or more seems to be doing better than the 99 cents or less store on the same street. It’s having a store-wide 50% off sale.