Saying Americans love ranch dressing is like saying humans need oxygen to live. I mean, we’re dumping that creamy condiment on everything. To see how far the obsession with the sauce has come, one only needs to look at a new restaurant opening in St. Louis. [More]

The First Customer To Buy A 3DS Truly Deserved The Honor
Triforce, the determined gentleman who didn’t let NYPD stop him from waiting outside a Best Buy last week to be first in line to buy the Nintendo 3DS, was rewarded for his endurance. [More]

CK Obsession May Not Attract Women, But Guatemalan Jaguars Love It
We’re not sure if wearing Calvin Klein’s “Obsession for Men” will get you any ladies, but if you’re looking to attract Guatemalan Jaguars — this is the scent for you. [More]