After years of perusing the dating apps, hoping for a multi-billion dollar love connection, Fiat Chrysler has reportedly found itself on the receiving end of a Bachelor-like rose from an unnamed Chinese auto manufacturer. Except, the company has said “thanks, but no thanks,” leaving us with all kinds of questions. [More]
not for sale

Never Mind: Neiman Marcus Isn’t For Sale Anymore
Upscale department store Neiman Marcus has been the subject of takeover talks for at least a year, with recent rumors claiming that the company could soon fall under the same corporate umbrella as Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor, and Gilt. Alas, Neiman Marcus has decided to remain single for now. [More]

D-Link Doesn’t Want To Sell Me A New AC Adapter, Needs Personal Space
Waldon would like to buy a new AC adapter from D-Link. He doesn’t want them to give him one for free, necessarily. He just wants to be able to buy one so he doesn’t have to go out and buy a whole new network switch. Unfortunately for him, no one at D-Link is capable of doing this. In theory, the adapter should be available from the company’s website, but it isn’t. Their own employees couldn’t find it. Then, things got really confusing. [More]

How To Turn Stuff On The Shelf But Not For Sale To Your Favor
Earlier this week, we discussed and solicited on the site your stories about big-box stores having items on display but allegedly not for actual sale. One reader shared how she enlisted the state attorney general to get a voucher from Best Buy after her rain check was turned away. Now Mark, a former bookstore seller, points out that you can turn this problem around and make it an advantage. Forgo instant gratification, and take the delay as an opportunity to do some price comparisons. Even if you find it cheaper in another brick-and-mortar store nearby, it’s still cheaper. [More]

When Stuff For Sale At A Big-Box Retailer Isn’t For Sale
During his recent shopping voyages, reader Matt has noticed a strange trend. In big-box store Best Buy and Office Depot, there was plenty of inventory out on the shelves, but a lot of it wasn’t for sale. Not just a few items here and there: he writes that a dozen laptops at a local Best Buy lacked prices and weren’t for sale. [More]

Here Are Some Cheap Coffee Machines You Can't Buy
Here’s a strange phenomenon that reader Jay came across at his local Walmart: Black Friday creep. No, not the race among retailers to see who can open the earliest. Yesterday (Tuesday) Jay picked up a $4 cofeemaker from a shelf full of them, but wasn’t allowed to purchase it. He was told that the item wasn’t for sale. Not that he couldn’t get it at the posted price: he couldn’t buy it at all. [More]