There is a game of he said/airline said going on between a baggage handler who was recently fired after more than two decades on the job. He claims he was fired for speaking out publicly on his co-workers’ wages while Delta maintains that the man’s statements were untrue and in violation of company policy. [More]

Can You Get Booted From Frequent Flier Program For Being A Frequent Complainer?
In 2008, after nine years of membership in Northwest’s WorldPerks frequent flier program — three of those years with Platinum Elite status — a Minnesota man was given some bad news from airline: He had been removed from the program and had lost hundreds of thousands of miles. Why? Because his numerous complaints apparently constituted “abuse” of the program. [More]

Frequent-Flying, And Complaining, Rabbi Can SueDelta
A lawsuit by a rabbi, who says that Northwest Airlines booted him from its frequent flyer program for complaining too much, can go forward. The case had initially been dismissed by a lower court that said federal deregulation law pre-empted the man’s claim, but the 9th circuit reversed that decision on Friday. [More]

Pilots Who Missed Minnesota Will Not Appeal License Revocation
Remember those Northwest Airlines pilots who were too busy looking at their laptops to bother landing in Minneapolis? They have made a deal with the FAA to drop their appeal to have their licenses reinstated. [More]

What's The Best Airline For Bringing My Bike?
After yesterday’s story about cyclists being unhappy with United’s exorbitant fee to check bikes on their planes, the folks over at Bicycling wrote to share their breakdown of the best and worst airlines for when you’re taking your wheels with you. [More]

Yeah, It's Pretty Much Chaos At Delta/Northwest Right Now
Adding to the problems caused by snowstorms, travel delays, and a general lack of communication in the skies today, readers report that Delta’s and Northwest’s computer systems are still not integrated, resulting in some completely un-hilarious travel snafus. [More]

Delta/Northwest Employees Wear The Same Uniform, Expect You To Be Able To Tell Them Apart
Reader Matthew writes in to tell us that Delta at Minneapolis/St. Paul airport is “still in Beta.” The employees all wear the same uniform, but they still work for different airlines — sorta.

Passenger On Northwest Last Week Had Tuberculosis
If you happened to be on Northwest Airlines Flight 51 from Frankfurt to Detroit last Tuesday, and you were one of the 17 unlucky passengers who sat near enough to Mr. Fancypants Lung Disease Person, you can look forward to a call from the CDC telling you that you need to get tested for tuberculosis. The risk of catching the disease is low, but the CDC is contacting passengers as a “cautionary move” according to the Associated Press. And if for some reason you do end up with TB, please do not get on any airplanes.

Delta To Add $15 First Checked Bag Fee
The AP says that the new mergeriffic Delta will be adding a $15 fee for the first checked bag and $25 for the second checked bag when traveling domestically, which is consistent with Northwest’s existing policies.

Northwest Airlines And Delta Merge, Finally
The Northwest Airlines/Delta merger is finally done, says the Chicago Tribune. The new airline will be called Delta and will be run by Delta CEO Richard Anderson. With 75,000 employees and $34 billion in revenue, it will be the US’s largest carrier.

Northwest Airlines Begins Charging $15 For First Checked Bag Today
Reader Colin says he just got charged for his first checked bag on Northwest Airlines:
Northwest Airlines has pulled political billboards depicting Minneapolis being targeted by nuclear weapons from their terminal in the Minneapolis airport. We wonder why. [NYT]

The Ultimate "Rule 240" List
Some airlines still call it “Rule 240” and others a “contract of carriage” but no matter what the name, it still means the same thing: power to the traveler. But which airlines still use it and how much does it protect a traveler?

Oil! Airlines Issue Open Letter Asking You To Help Them Lobby Congress
In a letter signed by 12 CEOs, the US air travel industry has called upon you, their customers, to help them lobby congress. What’s the problem that they need help solving? Oil speculation. Read the letter inside.
Northwest Airlines is cutting 2,500 jobs. Passengers may be asked to get out and push to help the plane taxi. [NYT]

Fuel Surcharges Hit Delta's Frequent Flier Program
Delta informed their beloved frequent fliers yesterday that effective August 15, all flights booked with SkyMiles will carry up to a $50 fuel surcharge. The airline also announced the impending release of an exciting “new multi-tiered Award program.”

Northwest's Coach Choice Seats Are A Complete Waste Of Money
Reader Chris wrote in to warn us off Northwest’s “Coach Choice” seat upgrade. On a recent trip, he was offered the opportunity to upgrade to a “Coach Choice” seat for an extra $30 per seat. He eagerly forked over $60 for two upgrades, and was shocked and angry at what that Northwest gave him in return. See what a “Coach Choice” seat means to NWA, inside.

Thanks, Northwest, For Flying Me To Chicago Because I Asked Nicely!
Contrary to published rumors, I did not spend last weekend trafficking Canadian drugs or performing “community service.” No, I enjoyed a gluttonous weekend in Chicago thanks to Northwest’s generosity. In the age or rising fees, reduced frequent flier miles, and general travel hell, it’s still possible to extract favors from airlines, if you know which levers to push…