Meet Doug Steenland, CEO of Northwest airlines. He and his fellow executives can help fix problems left unresolved by tree-bound call center sloths. Here’s how to reach Northwest’s executive management team…

Delta & Northwest CEOs Say All Airlines Should Raise Fees 15-20%
Delta’s CEO, Richard Anderson, told reporters today that all airlines need to raise fees by as much as 20% “just to break even due to the rising price of fuel.” His new bedmate, Northwest CEO Doug Steenland, piped in to say cost-cutting measures “have largely been exhausted”—and by “cost-cutting” we assume he means, “We can’t find anything else to add surcharges to, except maybe the bathroom and the recycled oxygen, and we’re not monsters.”

The Ultimate Airline Bankruptcy And Merger Cheat Sheet
Thinking of taking a trip but can’t remember which airlines are bankrupt and which ones are part of Delta? We know it can be difficult—that’s why we’ve put together a little cheat sheet to help you get through this time of uncertainty.

Northwest Airlines Breaks The Bad News To Its Frequent Fliers
We hope all you Northwest Airlines frequent fliers secretly had a thing for Delta, because you’ve been merged.
Delta and Northwest have finally agreed to merge together and form the world’s crappiest airline. The new airlines will be known as “Delta.” Are airline mergers like bank mergers, where the losing party in the deal usually gets to become the new namesake? [NYT]

Delta To Ask Northwest To The Prom, United And Continental May Drunkenly Hook Up
Here’s the state of the airline merger party.

Do Safety Inspectors And Airlines Have A Dangerous Conflict Of Interest?
BusinessWeek has an article that shines some light on a conflict of interest between the airlines and the FAA safety inspectors. It’s the inspector’s job to make sure the airlines are operating safely—but inspectors who blow the whistle may face pressure from the airlines and retaliation from the FAA’s upper management
The inspectors are the on-the-ground cops who ensure that engines fire up properly, that the wing flaps function, and that all of the other complex machinery in an aircraft is in good working order. They have broad discretion to halt and delay flights–power that often rankles the thinly stretched, financially strapped carriers. When an inspector launches a formal investigation into an apparent safety violation at a passenger airline, something that happened more than 200 times last year, it often triggers costly repairs. And when the bill exceeds $50,000, the FAA must issue a press release alerting the world to the problem.
Stock market to Delta: “Just merge with someone already.” Yeah, Delta. Pick someone so we know which airline we’ll never be using again as long we live. (Ooooh, that was mean.) [NYT]

5 Worst Airlines According To Zagat's
Here are the lowest performing airlines, based on comfort, food, service and website, according to a recent Zagat’s survey. Scores are out of a total possible 30.

A Big List Of Airline and Airport "Tarmac Stranding" Policies
We’ve been looking over the Department of Transportation’s spiffy new report about “tarmac strandings” (or “long on-board delays” as their now being called,) and have located some pretty interesting stuff.

Northwest Airlines Employees Will Undergo Customer Service Training
Northwest Airlines says its employees are going to be taking customer service classes.

8 Airlines Raise Fares
Despite what may be the most frustrating summer ever for airline travelers, 8 airlines have decided to raise their fares. Why? Jet fuel prices are up 24% this year.

Delta Names Former CEO Of Northwest Airlines As Their New CEO
Delta has named Richard Anderson, former CEO of Northwest Airlines as their new CEO according to CNNMoney.

Airline Complaints Up 47.2% In First Half
According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics complaints about airlines were up 47.2% in the first six months of 2007.

Northwest Promises To Fix Cancellation Problem
On Tuesday, Steenland outlined the steps being taken to address the cancellation problem, and said he hopes those steps will prevent a recurrence of the cancellation problem in late August.

Northwest Airlines Loves Canceling Flights
Northwest Airlines is experiencing some serious problems with canceled flights. What is the reason? Is it the weather? Martians? Roving gangs of flying zebras? Nope. They have a pilot shortage. This could probably be solved by hiring more pilots, but well, who are we to judge?

9 Airline's CEO Email Addresses, And Other Useful Complaint Resolution Contact Info
Travler’s friend site has these great customer service “cheat sheets” to help you if you have a dispute with your airline. CEO contact info, how to hack their phone trees, email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses, it’s all there.