As more news consumers have started to migrate online instead of getting their news in dead-tree form, this has caused problems for the entire business model of publishing. It raises an interesting question, though: what if there were a news equivalent of buying the one song you like from a new album for 99¢ or less? That option may be coming soon to our national newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. [More]

Newspapers Want To Charge Subscribers Extra To Receive Black Friday Ads
If your household still receives a daily or Sunday newspaper, take pity on your neighborhood’s paper carrier. It’s hard work to haul the ad-stuffed Thanksgiving editions of the paper to subscribers’ doorsteps. Still, that probably isn’t what papers like the Chicago Tribune and Detroit Free Press had in mind when they announced that they’ll be charging subscribers an extra dollar or two for the privilege of receiving a bunch of ads. [More]

Newsprint-Scented Candle Kindles Nostalgia Without Ink-Stains
If you’re nostalgic for the days when print ruled the world, but don’t want to be bothered with actual newspapers, the late designer Tobias Wong’s “Times of New York” candle, inspired by The New York Times, may be for you. [More]