When you hear a song you like, you might pay $0.99 to buy it. Or perhaps you just really need to get past this one level of Sugar Shock, so you shell out to purchase a new set of lives. What about paying a news source to read just one article? Why not? Micropayments are as ubiquitous as the smartphones we all use nowadays, and one publication thinks the model can work on an article-by-article basis. [More]

Would You Pay 20¢ To Read One Wall Street Journal Article?
As more news consumers have started to migrate online instead of getting their news in dead-tree form, this has caused problems for the entire business model of publishing. It raises an interesting question, though: what if there were a news equivalent of buying the one song you like from a new album for 99¢ or less? That option may be coming soon to our national newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. [More]

Google Checkout OK For Micropayments
Google Checkout can be used for transactions as low as $.05, reader Mary Marsala With Fries confirms.