Generally, there are two different kinds of gyms: the kind that actually expect their members to show up regularly and work out, and the kind that depend on most of their members to not show up on a regular basis. How do you get someone comfortable enough with a gym to pay up, even if they’re too busy or too lazy to show up? Sounds weird, but that’s their entire business model. [More]

Kodak Demonstrates Its Awesome Camera Technology With Stock Photo
It’s common practice for companies to license stock photography to use in promotional materials, but one of our readers thinks it’s somewhat strange that a camera company would go this route, when the one thing you’re trying to sell to consumers is the ability to capture great images. [More]

Walgreens Launches Innovative Showroom Store, Where You Can Look But Not Buy
The thing about locking up all of your merchandise behind glass is your customers can’t actually buy it. Well, they can if you have employees who give a damn about helping a customer. This Walgreens in Brooklyn does not have those kind of employees. [More]

PajamaJeans Help You Pretend You're Wearing Jeans
Sometimes you need to leave the house, for instance to go to the supermarket or to attend a job interview, and let’s face it: that’s when the Snuggie fails you. Until they make the formal Snuggie, there’s at least PajamaJeans. They’re like sweatpants, but disguised as jeans. Sadly they’re only for the ladies right now, so guys will have to stick to sweatpants when they give up on life. [More]

This Verizon Store Provides Weird Repair Services
Some Motorola Droid phones are having problems with the battery cover coming off too easily. That’s what was happening to Chris’ Droid, so he and his girlfriend brought it into a Verizon store in Pleasant Hill, CA. His girlfriend brought along her defective enV Touch for service as well.
When they left, Chris had a sticker stuck to the back of his Droid, and his girlfriend was told to stop wearing makeup because makeup ruins the enV Touch.

Geek Squad Agent Doesn't Have Time To Look For Multimeter, Let's Just Send Off Laptop For 3 Weeks Instead
The usefulness of Best Buy’s Geek Squad depends entirely on the competence of the employee you get when you go in for help, and unfortunately Scott landed one of the lazier ones. Here’s his sales pitch to Scott over a laptop that wouldn’t start: “It’s going to take at least 10 minutes for me to get the multimeter or another adapter. It’s going to be a problem inside the computer, let’s just send it in.”

Brooklyn Heights Postman Lifts With Neither Knees Nor Back
Our country’s postal employees have a well-deserved day off today. However, let this New York mail carrier’s mistake serve as a lesson for the Internet age: don’t do anything stupid in public, ever, because someone will probably be surreptitiously filming you.

Someone From Arkansas Is Selling Wiis For Only $99!!!
Quick, type in all of your credit card information before he runs out of inventory! Omgwtf $99 Wiis! The website,—which is being advertised on Facebook, according to a reader—consists of the two screens shown above and that’s it. What a lazy con.

Make Envelopes Out Of Recycled Paper
If you are like us, you have tried to make an envelope because you were out of envelopes but you wanted to mail something and the mailbox was much closer than the store.
Cleaning To-Do Lists
We’re in a cleaning/organizing mood today, so we thought we’d link this story from Real Simple. It has lists of household chores broken down by when you should do them, day, week, season. Their lists are ok, we guess. (Launder the dust ruffle? Do we have one of those?) Anyway, it’s a helpful reference to maybe print out and give to the lazier members of the household. You know who you are. —MEGHANN MARCO

Last Minute DIY Holiday Gifts
Are you a lazy shopper? Well, instead of just buying someone another crappy gift card at the last minute, why not make them something.? We know what you’re saying, “F-you, this isn’t Martha Stewart. This is the Consumerist.” Yeah, but people really like it when you make them something! Really! It’s not just something your mom made up. Domino has some suggestions for last minute DIY gifts, and some of them are pretty cool. Like infused olive oil. Brilliant and tasty, just add bread. What last minute DIY gifts do you like to give? We like to make chocolate chip cookies. Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies! Yay!—MEGHANN MARCO

Fresh Direct Intros Fresh Dining, the Upscale TV Dinner
s favorite way of avoiding interacting with people poorer than you, the Fresh Direct food delivery service, has introduced Fresh Dining.