new york city

AriZona Iced Tea: Don't Hate Us, We're From New York

AriZona Iced Tea: Don't Hate Us, We're From New York

While there’s much heated discussion about Arizona’s controversial new immigration laws, the folks at AriZona Iced Tea have somehow found themselves caught in the crossfire, with some even calling for a boycott on the beverage brand. That’s why one of the founders of the company wants everyone to know that, just like inauthentic picante sauce, they’re originally from New York City. [More]

Get Full Access To NYC Subways For $27

Get Full Access To NYC Subways For $27

Want to save a few bucks next time you visit New York City? Pick up one of these handy keys that can open the entrance to every subway gate and turnstile in the city’s transit system for just $27. Just be ready to be locked away without a key if you get caught, since the all-access passes are illegal. The New York Daily News tried out one of the keys, which are supposed to be used only by transit workers and police.

NYC Taxis Now Let You Know When You're Being Taken For A Ride

NYC Taxis Now Let You Know When You're Being Taken For A Ride

Earlier this week, we wrote about how taxi drivers in New York City had been caught overcharging passengers to the tune of $8.3 million over the last two years. To remedy the situation, the Taxi & Limousine Commission will be upgrading all cabs to alert passengers whenever their rate increases. [More]

Cablevision Produces New Bitchy Video Loop Aimed At

Cablevision Produces New Bitchy Video Loop Aimed At ABC

New York City area cable provider and ISP Cablevision is in a contract renewal fight with yet another content provider. This time, it’s ABC’s flagship broadcast station WABC that wants more money, and Cablevision has raised the stakes in the passive-aggressive public service announcement wars. They’ve redirected customers’ cable boxes to a special channel where a looped announcement plays, and have started a YouTube channel to get the word out to any non-customers who might happen to care. [More]

Get A Financial Tune-Up, March 25 NYC

Get A Financial Tune-Up, March 25 NYC

Join me and NY Times columnist Ron Lieber for a “being smart about personal finance in the recession” panel discussion and Q&A Thursday, March 25, at 6:30 pm. The show happens at 620 8th ave, 15th floor, admission is free. RSVP to [More]

New York City: Where Manholes Explode And Destroy Radio Shack (With Video!)

New York City: Where Manholes Explode And Destroy Radio Shack (With Video!)

Manholes have been exploding more than usual in NYC lately. For those of you who have never lived in NYC, the street randomly explodes at pretty frequent intervals. Sometimes it’s a steam pipe, sometimes it’s electrical. Right now firefighters are putting out a Radio Shack that was a little too close to an exploding manhole/transformer situation. We have video of that, plus three other recent explosions. [More]

Security Breach At JFK Airport Leads To Delays, Evacuations

Security Breach At JFK Airport Leads To Delays, Evacuations

Thousands of passengers were evacuated from the American Airlines terminal at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport after an unidentified person opened a door restricted to airline personnel and TSA officers. Like the Newark incident of a few weeks ago, the offender was caught on camera but has not yet been found. It remains unknown whether he was a criminal or a moron. [Reuters] [NYDN] (Thanks, GitEmSteveDave!) [More]

NYC Police Dept Stops Giving Counterfeit Clothing To Charity

NYC Police Dept Stops Giving Counterfeit Clothing To Charity

It turns out H&M and Walmart aren’t the only two organizations caught destroying clothes they couldn’t sell. Yesterday the New York Times reported that the NYC Police Department has also been destroying clothing that would otherwise be wearable. The big difference this time is that the clothing is counterfeit. [More]

H&M Store Cuts Up Unsold Clothing, Throws It Away

H&M Store Cuts Up Unsold Clothing, Throws It Away

Some retailers donate unsold clothing to charity, or discount it by the palletful and sell it to thrift stores or closeout retailers. But the New York Times reports that the H&M at Herald Square in Manhattan gets rid of their unsold clothing by cutting holes in it to render it unwearable, then throwing it away. [More]

(Nina Matthews)

AT&T Customer Service: "New York City Is Not Ready For The iPhone"

[protected-iframe id="8b5c183c552e7ef12ce4d91670010ebf-40783744-40309798" info=" " width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"]AT&T has apparently found a workable solution to the reported data congestion in New York City. They’ve quietly stopped selling the iPhone from their web site to customers in the New York metropolitan area.

Update: New York customers are now able to order iPhones via AT&T’s Web site. It would appear that the company has once more modified its “promotions and distribution channels.” We’ve requested a statement from AT&T, and will update this post if and when we receive it.

Panorama Of Macy's 34th St. Shopping Throng

Panorama Of Macy's 34th St. Shopping Throng

The crush of consumers packing the department store’s eight-story shopping emporium on 34th street in Manhattan would seem to belie the notion that this will be a dark Christmas for retailers. However, the red crossouts on the price tags reveal two, three rounds of price-slashing. While the crowd is packed, their shopping bags are not. Passing underneath arches of holiday bowers sported animated signs with sparkle dust writing out “Believe,” they are gleaners, browsing for bargains, and choosing but a few of them. I took a panorama shot. (2000 pixel version) [More]

Hotel: No Sir, That Smell Is Not A Decomposing Guest. (It Was.)

Hotel: No Sir, That Smell Is Not A Decomposing Guest. (It Was.)

The Jane Hotel in NYC was once (and still sort of is) a “residential” hotel. Even though it’s been renovated and is open for business, there are still residents in un-upgraded rent-controlled rooms. And sometimes they die. And people don’t notice right away.

New York City's Anti-Soda Grossout

New York City's Anti-Soda Grossout

In the wake of New York State’s failed attempt to tax sugary sodas and juice drinks, the New York City Health Department has come out with a public service campaign to curb consumption the soft way: with the hard sell.

Sued College Ain't Exactly Harvard

Sued College Ain't Exactly Harvard

Remember that story about Trina Thompson, the woman who sued her college after she couldn’t get a job? Turns out maybe the institution had it coming.

J.C. Penney In Manhattan Harbinger Of Fashion Apocalypse, Fat Suburbanites

J.C. Penney In Manhattan Harbinger Of Fashion Apocalypse, Fat Suburbanites

Cintra Wilson set out to write a lighthearted, snarky article about the arrival of J.C. Penney in Manhattan for her “Critical Shopper” series, and somehow ended up insulting nearly everyone who read the article. Those who took offense included, but were not limited to: overweight people, tourists, plastic mannequins, people who are attuned to rampant classism, residents of “middle America,” diabetics, and anyone who has ever found an attractive article of clothing at a J.C. Penney.

Customer Shows Displeasure With Duane Reade Through Choice Editing

Customer Shows Displeasure With Duane Reade Through Choice Editing

Duane Reade is a drug store endemic to New York City. If you’ve ever experienced what it is like to shop there, you are sure to appreciate the following edits made to a sign requesting customer feedback.

Jobless College Grad Sues To Get Tuition Back, Misspells "Tuition"

Jobless College Grad Sues To Get Tuition Back, Misspells "Tuition"

The job market is tough. No one seems to know it better than our nation’s fresh-faced recent college graduates. They’ve discovered a harsh truth—despite hounding alumni for donations, colleges aren’t able to find jobs for them. One recent college grad in New York City is fighting back, since she graduated three whole months ago and her alma mater hasn’t found her a job yet.

Steak WIth A Side Of Used Tampon Allegedly Served To Tourist At Waldorf-Astoria

Steak WIth A Side Of Used Tampon Allegedly Served To Tourist At Waldorf-Astoria

The image at left has been redacted for the protection of our more sensitive readers. The events of this story, if true, simply boggle the mind. A German tourist visiting New York City alleges that his delicious steak was somehow served with a used tampon on it. Warning: blissfully grainy photo and video inside.