Call it CSI: Timberwood Commons. WMUR reports the manager of the apartment complex there is making all the of the dog owners in the building submit DNA samples from their dogs. Then she will compare it with the DNA of the dog poop that’s been left around the grounds to find out who hasn’t been cleaning up after their dog. [More]
new hampshire

Man Drives Into Pole, Sues Walmart
A man who drove his pickup truck into a pole in the parking lot of a New Hampshire Walmart has sued the retail giant for damages, claiming the placement of the pole is conducive to car crashes. [More]

Selling Alarm Systems After Murders: Helpful Or Opportunist?
About a month ago, a mother and daughter were chosen at random and brutally attacked in their home in small-town New Hampshire. The daughter survived, but the mother did not. And within days of this tragedy, ADT sales reps began going door-to-door to sell alarm systems.

Detained And Harassed At Walmart For Not Showing A Receipt
Reader J was detained and harassed by some Walmart employees on his way out of the store the other day. J had already put his receipt inside his wallet after purchasing a $25 shower rack when a Walmart employee demanded to see his receipt. J declined and continued exiting the store. That’s when things got weird. First, he was grabbed by a Walmart employee, then another customer started pushing him back inside the store.
New Hampshire Gives Payday Lenders The Boot
New Hampshire will become the latest state to keep payday lenders from gouging their patrons. A measure passed by the legislature will cap interest rates on payday loans at 36%, a drastic change for an industry used to bludgeoning underbanked consumers with interest rates exceeding 500%. Payday borrowers spend an average of $793 trying to repay a $325 loan. Let’s see how the economic leeches spin this as a loss for consumers.

"HughesNet is Absolutely, Without A Doubt, The Worst Company I Have Ever Had The Misfortune of Relying On"
Reader Jeff isn’t pleased with HughesNet and has cc’d us on his email so that we can listen in. It’s more of a warning than a specific complaint that can be resolved:
I would just like to take this opportunity to reiterate, for the hundredth time, how much I loathe HughesNet. I have just been FAPed again. No one here is downloading any movies, music, books, or much of anything — just using the Internet. I have a guest visiting, and I’m assuming their additional drain on the ridiculously small 375 MB cap we’re afforded is what’s knocked us over the limit…so now I’m stuck at sub-dialup speeds for the next 24 hours.

Home Depot's Clearance Sale: Everything 0% Off!
Yellow stickers at Home Depot indicate a clearance sale. Except at the store in Somersworth, New Hampshire, where yellow stickers mean 0% off.

New Hampshire Jails 68-Year-Old Man For Paying Toll With Tokens
Meet Thomas Jensen. The state that boasts “Live Free Or Die” jailed him for three days for trying to pay a fifty-cent toll with two tokens. Jensen believes the tokens represent a contract with New Hampshire that was illegally violated last January when the state began exclusively using E-Z Pass. A toll worker refused to accept the tokens and directed Jensen to a state tropper, who issued a citation for theft of services. A judge gave Jensen three choices: pay a $150 fine, perform community service, or spend three days in jail. Jensen chose jail.
Jensen never told his wife he was in jail. Beverly Jensen said she only found out when asked by a television news reporter.

New Hampshire Bankruptcy Receivers Forced To Use Credit Cards
The main parking garage for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New Hampshire only accepts credit cards, reports Credit Slips.

Pay Your Taxes Or The Government Will Cut Power, Internet, Phone, Television, And Mail Service To Your Compound
You know those kooks who go around not paying their taxes and saying there’s no law to make them? Well, a pair of tax-evading renegades in New Hampshire are finding out the hard way that tax evasion can lead to an armed standoff with federal agents. Ed and Elaine Brown of New Hampshire haven’t paid income taxes since 1996, despite being convicted in January of evading taxes on almost $2 million of income generated by Elaine’s dental practice. The pair have cloistered themselves inside a 110 acre compound where they enjoy the glorified lives of tax fugitives. From the LA Times:

New Hampshire’s Crappy Lemon Law
In New Hampshire, if you buy a car rated for over 9,000lbs, and that car is a lemon, you’re in trouble. New Hampshire’s lemon law has a loophole that classifies any vehicle over the 9,000lbs limit as a commercial vehicle, and thus ineligible for consumer protection. So what do SUV buyers do with their lemons? “They either have to fight it out with the dealership or perhaps even file a civil claim depending on the defect,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Motor Vehicles. Fun.