
Blockbuster Uses Canadian Stores As Collateral To Make Deal With Fox & Sony

Blockbuster Uses Canadian Stores As Collateral To Make Deal With Fox & Sony

Never you mind Blockbuster has admitted they might need to declare bankruptcy, or that it’s in danger of being thrown off the NYSE, or that its single biggest investor dumped his stock in a 3-day fire sale… the once-majestic video rental giant is still gripping onto life with both of its arthritic hands, having signed deals with two more studios — Fox and Sony — that will allow Blockbuster to make new movies available across multiple platforms on the day of release. [More]

Netflix Tells Consumerist Why They Chose iPad For First Mobile App

Netflix Tells Consumerist Why They Chose iPad For First Mobile App

When we posted earlier today that Netflix had launched an app for the iPad that allowed users to watch streaming video, many readers expressed disappointment that the video delivery company had opted to go with the iPad over all other devices to make its mobile debut. So we spoke with them to find out why. [More]

Netflix Brings Streaming Video To iPad

Netflix Brings Streaming Video To iPad

After speculation in recent days that Netflix would be launching an application that would allow people to watch movies on the new Apple iPad, the video delivery service confirmed the news this morning and the app is now available through the iTunes store. [More]

USPS Cares About Your Mail When It Doesn’t Really Count

USPS Cares About Your Mail When It Doesn’t Really Count

Lana is a little frustrated with the U.S. Postal Service right now. She writes that she received an odd envelope in the mail from USPS–the tear-off advertising sheet from the front of a Netflix envelope addressed to her. An overly conscientious postal employee took the flyer, carefully placed it in a damaged item envelope, and mailed it back to Lana. [More]

Netflix Streaming For Wii Loads Slow, But Still Faster Than PS3

Netflix Streaming For Wii Loads Slow, But Still Faster Than PS3

Now that Wii-owning Netflix customers have received their streaming discs, let the console wars begin anew! At stake now: which provides the best Netflix-browsing experience….and the least agonizingly slow load times? [More]

Netflix Sends Out Discs To Test Streaming Via Wii

Netflix Sends Out Discs To Test Streaming Via Wii

It’s been known for quite some time that Netflix would be offering streaming video via the Nintendo Wii. And today the video delivery service announced they’ve sent out the first batch of discs to some Wii-owning Netflix customers so that they can finally get the ball rolling. [More]

Blockbuster Gets Warner Bros. Movies 28 Days Before Netflix

Blockbuster Gets Warner Bros. Movies 28 Days Before Netflix

A week after Blockbuster announced it could be heading down the road to bankruptcy, there’s some good news for the once-mammoth video vendor. They announced yesterday that they’ve reached an agreement with Time Warner that would allow them to rent Warner Bros. DVDs in their stores and by mail a full four weeks before Netflix. [More]

Blockbuster Says They Might Have To File For Bankruptcy

Blockbuster Says They Might Have To File For Bankruptcy

This may come as bad news to the 4 of you left out there that still rent videos at Blockbuster. The once-great chain of video stores is once again teetering on the edge of filing for bankruptcy. [More]

Netflix Coming To Windows Phone 7

Netflix Coming To Windows Phone 7

In an effort to make sure that you can’t go anywhere without watching Netflix movies, software developers Vertigo recently unveiled the Netflix app they’re working on for the recently unveiled Windows Phone 7. [More]

Netflix Cancels $1 Million Contest, Settles Privacy

Netflix Cancels $1 Million Contest, Settles Privacy Lawsuit

As part of a settlement in a privacy lawsuit filed against Netflix late last year, the video delivery service has called off their $1 million Next Big Thing contest that started the whole problem in the first place. [More]

Netflix Changes Movie Page Setup, Users Freak Out

Netflix Changes Movie Page Setup, Users Freak Out

Have you noticed Netflix’s new movie information page? A lot of other people have. The new, cleaner layout rearranges the user interface a bit, and removes social features from movie pages–you can’t see which of your friends have watched, rated, or reviewed that particular movie. Is this a good move, or a terrible one? [More]

Lawsuit Filed Over Netflix/Warner 28-Day Waiting

Lawsuit Filed Over Netflix/Warner 28-Day Waiting Period

Is anyone really surprised it came to this? A Netflix subscriber isn’t happy about having to wait 28 days for Warner Home Video movies to be made available on the video delivery service, so she’s filed a class action lawsuit. [More]

Way To Defeat The Entire Point Of Streaming Video,

Way To Defeat The Entire Point Of Streaming Video, Netflix

Netflix has the five-part miniseries “Torchwood: Children of Earth” available for Instant Streaming. (It’s good. You should watch it.) Cameron would like to watch it, but doesn’t really see the point. For some reason, the second of five episodes can’t be streamed, and must be watched on DVD. [More]

Blockbuster Goes Retro, Brings Back Late Fees

Blockbuster Goes Retro, Brings Back Late Fees

After nearly five years of offering “no late fees” to its ever-dwindling customer base, Blockbuster announced this week that it’s feeling a little nostalgic for the days it actually made money and is bringing back those good ol’ late fees. [More]

Walmarts Gets Into Streaming Video With Possible Vudu Acquisition

Walmarts Gets Into Streaming Video With Possible Vudu Acquisition

While Walmart sells everything from gasoline to groceries, and they have a pretty sizable online presence, they haven’t gotten into the lucrative business of on-demand/streaming video. But that could all change with news that the box store leviathan is about to purchase streaming video service Vudu. [More]

Netflix Is Mysteriously Down And Bored People Are Increasingly Bored

Netflix Is Mysteriously Down And Bored People Are Increasingly Bored

Are you kinda bored? Want to watch movies on Netflix’s website. Nope. Can’t. It’s mysteriously down. [More]

Netflix To Stream In 1080p And 5.1… Someday

Netflix To Stream In 1080p And 5.1… Someday

For those of us who really enjoy streaming Netflix movies through our Xbox 360 or PS3, it seemed like wonderful news yesterday when it was reported that some Watch It Now flicks would be made available in both 1080p and 5.1 surround in the near future. Alas, after some clarification, it looks like only part of this is true. [More]

Long Queue Waits Sort Of Defeat The Point Of Netflix

Long Queue Waits Sort Of Defeat The Point Of Netflix

Jeff is patiently waiting for the recently released movies in his Netflix queue, but his taste in films is evidently working against him. He says that the top ten discs in his queue all have long waits, and he is frustrated. Is he being throttled, a victim of having popular tastes, or both? [More]