Looking to make brownies that can be stored in a hot warehouse, dropped out of an airplane, dragged through the mud, left out with bugs and vermin and still be eaten 3 years later? Then you should check out this 26-page PDF from the Pentagon. [More]

1928 Scientific Breakthroughs For The Home: Teakettle With Lid, Serrated Knife, Salad Spinner
Google Books now hasPopular Science‘s entire archive on the web for free, so we thought we’d take a look and what was new and hot in 1928. Check it out! Prototype tea pots with LIDS. So you can clean ’em! Is that a mop with a ringer? Shut up! Oh, and check out this new thing you can kneel on when scrubbing your floors.
When you’re done with that, spin your salad with this crazy French thing and then use this weird bumpy knife to cut an orange. You’ll realize the future is now as you unplug your toaster or vacuum without needing to yank on the cord. Yay, science!
How To Fix A Broken Eyeshadow
If you are like me the first thing you do after you buy expensive eyeshadow is drop it on your bathroom floor, shattering it completely. I can not tell you how many times I have done this, so when I found the above tutorial on YouTube I was overwhelmed with joy.

Social Security Numbers Decoded
The Tao of Making Money has collected a bunch of interesting facts about Social Security Numbers, for example:

Use Your Phone As A Remote?
Usually when people talk about AT&T and Verizon becoming cable operators they spin a bunch of bull about how competition will lower your bill. So far, that isn’t happening. But what happens when the technology comes together? Will you be able to use your cell phone to control your DVR? From the Chicago Tribune:
[AT&T] this week began offering its “Homezone” customers the ability to control their digital video recorders through Web-enabled phones. The interface lets cell phone users schedule or delete recordings on their set-top boxes from anywhere.
Use Your DirecTV Remote To Power XBOX 360
Step 2) Press 991, then press 2. Now, press Power.
2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid Qualifies for Tax Credit
Need a car? The 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid vehicle meets the requirements of the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit as a qualified hybrid motor vehicle. If you want to get in on this tax credit, it’s best to buy early. From IRS.gov:

Free Stuff: Choose Your Own Adventure Download for iPod
- Unlike the typical “one way only” story in a narrated audiobook, the CYOA download goes in countless directions as “you” in the role of main character click on links to select the story’s direction. The video screen allows the user to view full color illustrations, albeit in miniature. R. A. Montgomery, CYOA author and founder, narrates the story in which “you” are a skilled mountain climber on an expedition through the Himalayas in search of the elusive Yeti. Sound effects like the whirl of a helicopter or howling winds enhance the sense of immersion.