What Would Jesus Buy? is a new documentary from producer Morgan Spurlock, who made Supersize Me, and director Rob VanAlkemade, following Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir “on a cross-country mission to save Christmas from the Shopocalypse (the end of humankind from consumerism, over-consumption and the fires of eternal debt.)”

Walgreen Planning DVD-Burning Kiosks To Sell Movies
Sometime next year, Walgreen will introduce kiosks where customers can select and purchase movies—mostly older ones that aren’t as frequently stocked in stores—and have them burned onto DVDs while they wait (for about 15 minutes). Although the idea seems like one that someone should have had years ago, it wasn’t a commercial possibility until last month, when the organization responsible for licensing CSS—the widespread copy restriction software that’s coded into pretty much every Hollywood DVD release—expanded its licensing structure to make room for business models like this one.
There’s still no decisive victory in the high-def format wars, but here are the current standings: Sony’s Blu-ray outsold HD-DVD in the U.S. by a 2-to-1 margin for the first 3 quarters of 2007, but analysts say the trend could reverse in these last few months due to high-profile titles (like “Transformers”) being released in high-def exclusively on HD-DVD. The verdict? It’s still either format’s game. [Reuters]

Die Hard DVD Will Ship With Ripped Movie File Included
20th Century Fox has announced that the special-edition DVD for “Live Free or Die Hard” will include a “DRM-free” computer file of the movie, playable through Windows’ PlaysForSure software. We suppose you can call this DRM-free, but it obviously doesn’t mean it’s not restricted. To access the file, you will have to insert the disc into your computer, then enter an authorization code that’s included in the DVD case. Once it’s copied over, you can play it on your PC or portable media players that use the PlaysForSure software.
Get $1.00 off your Fandango.com movie ticket purchase with coupon code MCDONALDS.

Empty Room? Bijou Theater Screens Movie For One Couple
I had a great customer service experience and I thought I would share it with you. My fiancee and I live in Mount Vernon, Iowa and like to frequent the old-school, single-screen movie theater in town called the Bijou. It’s a family run theater with cheap prices ($4/movie) and a great reputation as a family-friendly place. Before each of the showings the owner/manager greets the crowd, gives out prizes, and welcomes any first-timers in the audience.

Apple May Be Plotting iTunes Movie Rental Service
According to CNNMoney, Apple may be plotting an iTunes movie rental service that would allow iPod users to rent and watch a movie for 30 days without purchasing the entire film. Rumors place the rental fee at about $2.99.

Blockbuster Cancels Your Plan? Or Does It?
Can someone tell us what the hell is going on with Blockbuster? Some readers are writing in saying that they’re being allowed to keep their plan but are warned that if they change it they’ll be kicked off and charged more. Other readers are saying that their plan has been completely canceled and they have to choose another one. Still other people are on the same plan but now are not receiving coupons. We’ve gotten about 20 emails about this issue, but are at a loss to understand it.

Google Taking Back All Videos You Rented or Bought From Them
As of next Wednesday, you will no longer be able to view any videos you rented or purchased from Google Video. We’ll assume this only directly affects, like, the six of you out there who tried out their service, but it’s still a striking example of how badly consumers are treated when they “buy” DRM-shackled media online. According to boingboing.net, Google’s giving their abandoned customers credits that they have to spend (within 60 days) via Google Checkout.

Blockbuster Tries To Thwart Netflix, Gobbles Up Movie Download Service
Blockbuster has purchased Movielink, an ailing movie download service cobbled together by film studios to combat online piracy. The deal will give Blockbuster access to movies from Sony, Universal, Paramount, MGM, and Warner Brothers. Netflix’s download service, by contrast, offers a limited selection of mostly older movies. The deal is the latest salvo fired in the consumer-friendly war of the movie rental services. No word yet on how long hackers might take to crack the new download service.

How Do You Know Which Movie Theaters Are Good, And Which Ones Are Bad?
We watched the “Simpsons” movie yesterday at the Regal multiplex at Union Square in New York City, and for the entire movie, the right third of the screen was out of focus. We never got up to complain to management for several reasons:
we were being stupid and lazy
we were in the center of a full theater and didn’t want the hassle of climbing out and back in
we really thought someone else closer to the aisles would eventually do it
we thought maybe the lucky anonymous person with the QA remote (previously discussed here) would push the right button
How To Save At The Box Office
Why pay $10 to see a movie when you can save up to 50% by purchasing several tickets at once? Several clubs and organizations offer significant discounts to consumers willing to buy a book of tickets:

Fast Food Nation Movie Review: Read The Book
Catching up on our Netflix pile, we watched Fast Food Nation last night. This is our movie review: read the book.

Comcast Wants To Charge Up To $49.95 To Stream Movies To Your Home
Not content with providing just fee-ridden television and internet service, Comcast is looking to charge up to $49.95 to stream movies to your home the day they premier in theaters. The two largest movie theater operators, Regal Entertainment and National Amusements, have banded together to express their displeasure, with Regal’s CEO saying: “We’re not interested in playing anything that makes its debut in the home and at the theater at the same time.” Comcast doesn’t care.
Stephen Burke, Comcast’s cable president and chief operating officer, told an audience at an industry conference this week that several studios were “very interested” in the idea of allowing cable providers to charge $29.95 to $49.95 to watch an opening-day movie at home. He said it would increase studio revenues rather than cannibalize them, if handled properly.
The studios, too busy drooling over the prospects of additional profit, declined to comment. Would you forego the deliciously buttery movie theater experience for the comfort of your home? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Lights, Camera, Great Customer Service
An anonymous reader, who we’ll call J, had an upsetting experience at a Movie Gallery in Orlando. J dropped five movies into the after-hours drop box at 9:30pm, thirty minutes before the store was scheduled to close. The next day, late fees were charged to J’s account.

Why Is Crunch Gym Forcing Spiderman 3 "Marketing Experiences" On Their Spinning Classes?
Yesterday we followed up on reader’s bad experience at Crunch Gym by calling 2 of their locations, the corporate office and interviewing Angie, our reader.

Hapless Crunch Gym Aerobics Class Trapped In Spiderman 3 Marketing Web
…I had a sickening experience at Crunch Gym yesterday.