Sarcasm may be one of the easiest weapons to deploy when you’re annoyed with someone, but it sure didn’t work out so well for a man who thanked his fellow moviegoer for talking during the entire film. [More]

10 Fictional Brands Hollywood Loves To Use In Movies & TV
We’ve all had that moment where a character on TV or in a movie picks up a generically branded beer, or pulls out a package of cigarettes emblazoned with a logo that looks nothing like anything offered in the real world. [More]

10 Questionable Movie & TV Tie-Ins That No One Asked For
No cultural phenomenon would be a complete success without its own line of merchandise attached to it, and it makes sense: fans of popular TV shows, comic books, and movies will often seek out products that tie-in with those franchises, providing a great way for a lot of people to make a bunch of money. But when it comes to some infamous product tie-ins, we’ve got to wonder if it all that effort was worth it. [More]

AMC Theaters Makes “Best & Final” Offer Of $1.2B For Carmike
Four months after AMC Theaters offered $1.1 billion to buy fellow theater chain Carmike Cinemas, the two companies have finally come together on a sweetened deal to appease shareholders. [More]

How Well Do You Know Your Fictional Tech Companies?
Sure, we all know that George Costanza worked, however briefly, at Kruger Industrial Smoothing, and that Laverne and Shirley toiled away at Shotz Brewery (before they randomly picked up and moved to California in Season 6), but have you really been paying attention to all those fake companies? [More]

Lawsuit Claims Universal Pictures Spammed Phones With Unsolicited ‘Warcraft’ Texts
Spam. It’s not just something that shows up in your email inbox from time to time, promising anatomical enhancements and luxury R0l3xes; sometimes it makes its way to your cell phone unbidden, leaving you with no recourse but to delete it… or sue whoever sent it to you, which is what one guy is doing after saying he got unsolicited texts messages from Universal Pictures pushing its movie based on a video game Warcraft. [More]

A Bunch Of Patriotic-ish Movies You Can Stream If You’re Stuck Indoors This July 4th
For many people, this Fourth of July weekend is sure to be a busy one — Parades! Picnics! Parties! But when the fireworks have all stopped and you’ve been rendered immobile after consuming too many grilled things — or if you just need a few hours to not talk to your family and friends — you can still get into the spirit of the weekend with some movies. [More]

Movie Theater Sorry For Playing R-Rated ‘Sausage Party’ Trailer Before ‘Finding Dory’
A movie theater in California issued an apology this week for making the mistake of playing a trailer for Sausage Party (R-rated, expletive-laden dark comedy featuring self-aware food facing imminent, violent death by human) to a bunch of people there to see Finding Dory (under-the-sea, feel-good family flick). Oops. [More]

You Can Have Your Own Private IMAX Theater At Home For Just $400K (Movies Not Included)
Do you have a very large room in your house and $400,000 burning a hole in your pocket? You can pay just under half a million to have a private IMAX home theater installed, but renting movies will cost you extra. [More]

Student Arrested After Live-Streaming Movie Premiere On Facebook
Usually, when you hear of a video pirate getting caught, it’s because of vigilant theater staff or annoyed theatergoers, but it was a piracy-monitoring service in India that resulted in a college student from Indiana being arrested for live-streaming a movie premiere from inside a Chicago theater. [More]

Delta To Offer Free In-Flight Streaming Entertainment Starting Next Month
If movies and TV shows make your flying experience more enjoyable, Delta Air Lines has some good news for you: by July 1, the carrier will make all of its in-flight entertainment for free. [More]

AMC: Just Kidding About That Whole Texting In Theaters Thing
Remember earlier this week, when new AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron said he was open to allowing texting during movies in some way? Yeah, that’s not gonna happen, the company announced Friday. [More]

New AMC Entertainment CEO Open To Letting People Text During Movies
In an example of the extreme lengths companies may be willing to go to in order to secure that most coveted customer, the millennial, AMC Theaters might go ahead and let people text during movies. [More]

Movie Theater Owners Brush Off Idea Of $50 Opening-Day Home Video Releases
Last week, we told you about Screening Room, the streaming video startup from Napster co-founder and guy-who-was-played-by-Justin-Timberlake-in-that-Facebook-movie Sean Parker that hopes to sell home video access to new movies the same they hit theaters. Even though the Screening Room model reportedly includes plans to share the wealth with theater owners, an industry lobbying group is shrugging off the idea. [More]

Napster & Facebook’s Sean Parker Thinks You’ll Pay $50 To Watch New Movies At Home
The latest effort to convince studios they can simultaneously release major new titles theatrically and on home video comes from Napster co-founder and old-school Facebook-backer Sean Parker, who believes that the $50 price point isn’t too high for people looking to watch a blockbuster at home instead of trekking to the theater. [More]

AMC Theaters Will Be The Largest U.S. Theater Chain With $1.1B Acquisition Of Carmike Cinemas
The odds that the screen you see that new flick on is owned by AMC Theaters are about to go up, now that the chain is gobbling up fellow theater chain Carmike Cinemas in a $1.1 billion deal. [More]

Workers Who Secure Parking For NYC Movie Shoots Claim Studios Are Skimping On Pay
Tourists and residents of New York City alike have no doubt seen those ubiquitous neon signs plastered all over lamp posts from time to time, which serve to alert car owners that they won’t be able to park there on a certain day or days because of a movie or TV crew that will be shooting there. It’s one part of an unglamorous job in the entertainment business, but someone’s got to do it — and those people are now suing the studios over claims they’re not paid enough for often long, thankless hours they put in, often in less than ideal conditions. [More]

Lawsuit Claims AMC Theatres Makes It Hard For Blind People To Enjoy Going To The Movies
A trip to the movies can be a fun family outing, but if you miss part of the on-screen action, it’s a lot harder to enjoy the experience. That’s why a San Francisco man is suing AMC Theatres — he’s blind, and claims that the chain routinely deprives him of enjoying the movies he goes to with his family by providing shoddy audio-description services. [More]