Some movie theater chains sell discount passes at Costco that can save you over $2 per person. Not a bad deal… if you don’t mind waiting in five different lines before you sit down in your seat at the theater. [More]

Is The 3D Movie Fad Over Yet?
When the blue-skinned do-gooder hippies of Avatar were unleashed on movie screens last December, nearly three quarters of its opening weekend revenue came from people watching it in 3D. Since then, just about every major action or animated movie has been released in 3D, but often to diminishing results. [More]

Redbox Rolls Out Blu-ray Rentals Nationwide For $1.50 A Night
After wavering between charging $1.50 and $2 a night for Blu-ray rentals during its test program, Redbox has decided to go with the cheaper price as it makes the high-definition discs available nationwide at 13,300 kiosks, with plans to nearly double that number by the fall. [More]

10 Times Movie Violence Wasn't Restricted To The Screen
Movie theaters aren’t always the safest of places. People bump into one another, sit a little too close, kick seats, check cell phones too often and folks tend to get irritable. On the heels of a stabbing at Comic-Con International in San Diego last week, Ranker put together a list of the 10 most violent movie theater attacks. [More]

Your Xbox Sells You Movie Tickets
Microsoft has struck a deal with that allows the company to sell gamers tickets through the Xbox 360. Sorta. [More]

PS3 Will Get Netflix Streaming App By October
Since November, PS3 users have had to lug a special disc into their machines in order to stream Netflix. But during an earnings call Wednesday, CEO Reed Hastings announced the disc will be rendered obsolete by software within the next few months. This will put the PS3 on par with the Xbox 360 for disc-less Netflix streaming. [More]

Netflix: We Can Murder Your Account With No Notice At Our Whim
It’s amazing what we agree to every day when we scroll through infinite screens of dense legalese to click the box that said we’ve read and agree to abide by the terms of service on various sites. Brandon discovered that Neftlix users have all consented for the company to stop its endless supply of movie and TV shows for any reason whatsoever. [More]

Predators Shrink Ray Zapped My Movie
The Grocery Shrink Ray is so powerful its scope spreads beyond grocery store aisles and into movie theaters, where it reduces the number of bloodthirsty villains in action movies. [More]

AMC Guarantees Upsell Or Your Popcorn Is Free
Bad moviegoers, you haven’t been spending nearly enough on overpriced concessions. Don’t worry though, AMC is going to make you a promise: if they don’t offer you an upsell on your next visit to the concession stand, you’re going to get a free small bag of popcorn. [More]

Florida Theater: Don't Blame Us For Blackouts
Sam snapped this photo of a sign outside a Florida Regal Movie Theater. He doesn’t know what it was that drove the manager to post it. [More]

Woman Sues Movie Theater After Being Arrested For Filming Twilight Scenes
A woman who was arrested last November during a screening of whatever Twilight movie was in theaters at the time has filed suit against the movie chain. She says that she only filmed two short sequences, the opening credits and a moment when her “favorite actor” took off his shirt. Wisely, she does not say in her lawsuit whether she’s Team Beefcake or Team Emo, or my niece would possibly go ballistic. [More]

Feds Make 9 Movie Pirate Sites Walk The Plank
We’re guessing the government has quarterly quotas for number of sites pushing pirated movies it shuts down, because on the last day of June the feds swooped in and shivered the timbers of several sites that had been allowing cheapos to not spend $12 to see Jonah Hex and other fine Hollywood offerings. [More]

Universal Really Needs To Release This Movie On DVD
Often all you need to see is a movie poster to know that a movie will be unspeakably awesome. This 1950 drama, apparently never released on home video but somehow seen and rated by 58 incredibly lucky IMDB users, is undoubtedly a spiritual successor to Reefer Madness, but has been lost to the ages. [More]

3D Movie Glasses Maker Realizes Kids Exist, Watch Movies
Someone over at 3D glasses manufacturer RealD must have sat next to a child during a 3D movie and grimaced as the little tyke strained to keep the too-big-and-heavy glasses on his nose for half an hour, then finally gave up and suffered through the rest of the film in blurry 2D. The company started making glasses that fit on kids’ faces. [More]

Paramount And Redbox Buddy Up Against Rental-Delaying Studios
Paramount and Redbox hopped in bed together to assure renters that the studio’s home video offerings will be in the rental kiosks the same day they go on sale. The move pits the studio squarely against Warner Bros., Universal and 20th Century Fox, all who have 28-day embargoes on companies renting out their stuff. [More]

Come November You Will Be Able To Search Netflix Streaming Content Via Xbox
Netflix-streaming Xbox 360 players will have one less reason to be jealous of Roku owners come November. At the E3 video game conference in Los Angeles, Microsoft announced it will let Netflix users search and add streaming movies and TV shows through the console, bypassing the need to do it the old-fashioned way on a computer. [More]

Netflix Apologizes For Roku Disruption With Bill Credit
Savvily taking the proactive route rather than suffering customer backlash, Netflix is sending out emails with account-specific links that users can click on to save 5 percent off their next bill. [More]

Blu-Rays Coming To Redbox With Price Hike
Redbox is finally latching on to the Blu-ray bandwagon, announcing it’s months away from adding the pricier HD movies to its kiosks, but will be charging $1.50 a night rather than the standard buck it costs for DVDs. [More]