
Protect Yourself From Magically Rocketing Lending Fees At Closing

Protect Yourself From Magically Rocketing Lending Fees At Closing

Thanks to various loopholes, people shopping for a mortgage can find themselves hit at closing time with lending fees changed dramatically from the initial quote.

Class Actions Loom For Subprime Lenders

Soon, the piper may have to pay the piper: class actions against sub-prime lenders could be just around the corner.

Graph: States Hit Hardest By Foreclosure Spree

Graph: States Hit Hardest By Foreclosure Spree

Which states are being hit the worst by the foreclosure spree? Here’s the top 10.

Never Overstate Your Income On A Loan App

Never say you make more than you really do on your loan application. It’s:

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

If it were Monopoly, the card would say, “Bank Error Not In Your Favor.”

Posterboy For The Housing Bust

Posterboy For The Housing Bust

Ah, more oogie in the wake of the recessing housing froth. Meet Casey Serin, a 24-year-old with $2.5 million in debt.

Mortgage Fraud Festered Under Housing Bubble, Feds Investigate

Mortgage Fraud Festered Under Housing Bubble, Feds Investigate

In ’05, a small company bought up run-down duplexes in northeast Indiana at $50,000 a pop. Less than a month later, they were selling them for $120,000 to church secretaries, truckers, retirees and factory workers.

American Dream Faces Setbacks in Peoria

There’s a scandal brewing in Peoria and it doesn’t smell like potpourri.

Spam in the House of The Lord

Spam in the House of The Lord

Just received this spam from the Crusader Lending Corp. It sounds awesome. We’re going to go out and re-fi our church right away.

Fannie Mae Smacked by New Report

Fannie Mae Smacked by New Report

New evidence surfaced that Fannie Mae molested its accounting in the 90’s so top execs could harvest $25 million plus in bonuses.