
Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Playing Gold Without Getting Killed [Wall Street Journal] “The question for investors who have remained on the sidelines until now is whether there still is an opportunity to join the stampede—and, if so, how to do it without getting crushed.”

Bonds: Avoid the next great bubble [CNN Money] “The bond market is a bubble and it’s getting ready to burst.”

That Repair Bill Is Huge, but There Are Reasons [NY Times] “Why do repairs seem to cost so much even if they don’t take long?”

6 Steps to Protect Your Home from Hurricanes [Kiplinger] “You don’t have to just sit there worrying about the weather.”

10 First Time Homebuyer Mistakes [The Wisdom Journal] “When first time home buyers finally get into their home, they can easily fall prey to several serious mistakes that can cause a large amount of financial harm later.”

FREE MONEY FINANCE 911 For Personal Finance Emergencies 911 For Personal Finance Emergencies

If your house catches on fire, you call 911. But who do you call when your personal balance sheet catches on fire? [More]

Town Prints Its Own Money To Get Locals Shopping

Town Prints Its Own Money To Get Locals Shopping

Last month, a business improvement group in Ardmore, PA issued $15,000 in local currency, which citizens bought at half the face value and which can be spent like real money in stores and restaurants in the downtown area. Strangely, despite the 50% savings promised only $2,900 of it has been spent so far, with thrift stores receiving more than any other type of business. The group is going to launch another money printing campaign in November to try to boost holiday sales, preferably of new things. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

How to Best the Other Home Buyers [Smart Money] “Here are some tips on how prospective buyers should handle a multiple-offer situation.”

10 Best Cities for the Next Decade [Kiplinger] “They’re prosperous, innovative, and they’ll generate plenty of jobs, too.”

Dumpster-Diving 101: 6 Strategies for Success [Wise Bread] “[Here’s] a six-point strategy on how to dumpster-dive safely and effectively.”

7 ways to protect yourself from cell phone overage “gotchas” [Consumer Reports] “Ideally, the big four contract carriers should send text and email alerts when you’re nearing your voice, messaging, and data limits. But until that happens, here’s what you can do to protect yourself right now.”

25 factors that affect car insurance premiums [Smart Spending] “You do have some control over how much you’ll have to pay.”


Prepare For The Unexpected With A "Stupid Mistakes" Savings Account

Prepare For The Unexpected With A "Stupid Mistakes" Savings Account

One thing that can derail people digging themselves out of debt are the random unexpected setbacks life likes to throw at us to keep us on our toes. The accidental parking ticket, the bike that breaks down, the illness that requires pricey pills. Any of these can be enough to upset even the most carefully orchestrated budgeting and debt payment schedule, unless, you are smart like Ramit Sethi, and set up a “stupid mistakes” sub-savings account. Here’s how it works. [More]

28 Of The Worst Money-Saving Ideas Ever

28 Of The Worst Money-Saving Ideas Ever

Earlier this week we asked you for the worst things you’ve ever tried to do in order to save money that really didn’t work out, and you bowled us over with your responses! Over 190 comments poured in, some utilitarian, some hilarious, others, poignant. My favorite is the grandma who bought two caskets and used them to store linens because she didn’t like the idea of buying something so expensive only to use it once. So here they are, the 28 best of the worst money-saving ideas you’ve ever had:

(pictured: some folks who don’t like the cheap haircuts they got from beauty-school students)

Guess Who Said It?

Guess Who Said It?

Let’s play a game. Can you figure out who said the following? “You’re a loser. Why don’t you just jump in front of a train?” “You a f***ing thief, you know. “I’m gonna find you and you gonna be walking like a b***h on the side of the street.” “I’m the guy who’s gonna end your life. That’s who I am.” Find out the answer after the jump! [More]

Stop Believing In These Credit Score Myths

Stop Believing In These Credit Score Myths

Budgets Are Sexy sifts through the mysterious black magic that goes into establishing your credit score and reveals 10 myths to note when you’re making financial decisions that may affect the score. [More]

How Fraudsters Make Fake Credit Cards

How Fraudsters Make Fake Credit Cards

There’s many ways your credit card can be stolen and exploited, but this is one of the more sophisticated: In this WIRED video, Detective Bob Watts of Newport Beach Police Department shows how crooks take your credit card numbers they steal off the internet and turn a blank plastic card into something they could swipe through a Best Buy scanner or plunk down at a fancy restaurant, complete with holograms and embossing. Using these techniques, one criminal ring racked up over a $1 million in fraud before they got busted. [More]

What's The Worst Money-Saving Idea You've Ever Had?

What's The Worst Money-Saving Idea You've Ever Had?

Some money-saving hacks you think up are awesome, but others can be categorized under “foolish frugality.” While they sound good at first, these hassle of these pyrites of personal finance can just end up not being worth the small savings. They can even cost you more in the long run, or even be hazardous. Here’s a few bad ideas gleaned from FatWallet: [More]

Poor People Spend 9% Of Income On Lottery Tickets

Poor People Spend 9% Of Income On Lottery Tickets

A recent study found that poor folks – households earning under $13,000 per year – spend about 9% of all their income on lottery tickets. [More]

Why Paying More For Brand Name Drugs Is Folly

Why Paying More For Brand Name Drugs Is Folly

There are some people out there who just don’t get how much crazy money you can save with buying generic drugs. For those folks, this infographic was crafted by To illustrate the cost-savings possible, they took a look at Advil. For the same 200 mg of isobutylpropanoicphenolic acid, people are willing to pay over $8 more per box. Those pretty graphics aren’t going to chase away your headache any faster, honey. Let’s take a look: [More]

BillShrink Shows You How To Save On Cable Bills

BillShrink Shows You How To Save On Cable Bills

This morning, BillShrink delivered a karate chop to the cable cabal with a new service, currently in beta, that shows you how to get the best cable/tv/satellite/dish package for the best price. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Five Simple Substitutions, One Big Change [The Simple Dollar] “It’s amazing how much money can be saved by making one simple change in your life.”

Personal-Finance Basics for the Class of 2010 [The Wall Street Journal] “Here are some of the new developments most likely to affect the class of 2010.”

Things you think will make money but don’t [Smart Spending] “When asked, readers listed going to college, buying gold, and cooking at home, among other things. Not everyone agreed.”

The wacky world of college scholarships [MSN Money] “Need some help affording college? A special skill or interest — or even a particular last name — can put a big dent in a student’s tuition.”

7 Questions You Must Ask Your Financial Adviser [Kiplinger] “Understanding your financial adviser’s motives, expertise and methods is crucial to managing your wealth.”


Fighting About Money Frequently Increases Risk Of Divorce

Fighting About Money Frequently Increases Risk Of Divorce

You already know that it’s not healthy to fight about money all the time, but it might be a bigger risk factor for divorce than you think. A 2009 University of Virginia study found that couples who argue about finances every a week are 30% more likely to divorce than those who argue less frequently. In addition, a couple that marries with no assets are 70% more likely to divorce in three years than a couple bringing $10k in assets into the union. [More]

Reach HSBC Finance Executive Customer Service

Reach HSBC Finance Executive Customer Service

Here is some contact information for HSBC Finance. It’s good for when you have a Sisyphean customer service issue that you’d rather have the sneakers of Mercury. [More]

Cut Debt Faster By Sending In Your Payments Sooner

Cut Debt Faster By Sending In Your Payments Sooner

One little trick you can do to get out of debt faster is to send in your credit card payments as soon as you can, says No Credit Needed. [More]

Fidelity Sent Me Someone Else's $300,000 Retirement Savings

Fidelity Sent Me Someone Else's $300,000 Retirement Savings

Douglas received an unexpected delivery from UPS last week: a check from Fidelity Investments made out to Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company for over $300,000, along with a bunch of 401(k) rollover paperwork that included the real account holder’s address, date of birth, SSN, and phone number. [More]