It doesn’t matter where you tell Target to send your online orders: if your account has a “default address,” your packages will go there no matter what. Diana didn’t realize this. She thought that if she updated her billing address, then ticked the box that said her billing and shipping addresses were the same, her package would end up where she currently lives. Not so fast! Now the person living in her old apartment has her new jeans, and Target just blames Diana. [More]
wrong address

NewEgg Sends Package To Wrong Address, Shrugs
When Jessica placed her NewEgg order, she provided them with a shipping address. This turned out to be a waste of her time, since NewEgg just went ahead and picked an address to send the package to out of her PayPal account. Not the one associated with her credit card, or her primary address on the account. Certainly not the address where she actually lives. Their customer service representative’s solution? Wish really, really hard that the person who ultimately received the package would return it so she can get a refund. She hung up and called back until she got someone competent. [More]

I Don't Want Some Justin Bieber Fan's Redbox Receipts
Andrew has a common problem: he keeps getting someone else’s mail. Not in his paper mailbox, but someone else’s e-mail. A Justin Bieber fan in a different state entered his e-mail address when renting a DVD, and Andrew received the receipt. When he contacted Redbox to straighten out the mixup, their unhelpful solution was to block all e-mail receipts from Redbox. Yep, including his own. [More]

Fidelity Sent Me Someone Else's $300,000 Retirement Savings
Douglas received an unexpected delivery from UPS last week: a check from Fidelity Investments made out to Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company for over $300,000, along with a bunch of 401(k) rollover paperwork that included the real account holder’s address, date of birth, SSN, and phone number. [More]

Best Buy Sends Your Playstation 3 To New Jersey. You Live In Missouri.
Steve writes that his brother used to live in New Jersey. He now lives in Missouri. When ordering a Playstation 3 from Best Buy, he repeatedly corrected his address in Best Buy’s system, but somehow the PS3 still ended up shipped to his former address in New Jersey. Now Best Buy doesn’t intend to do anything until Steve’s brother convinces the current occupant of his former home in New Jersey to send the PS3 back. Good luck with that. [More]