What's The Worst Money-Saving Idea You've Ever Had?

Some money-saving hacks you think up are awesome, but others can be categorized under “foolish frugality.” While they sound good at first, these hassle of these pyrites of personal finance can just end up not being worth the small savings. They can even cost you more in the long run, or even be hazardous. Here’s a few bad ideas gleaned from FatWallet:
Cutting own hair – look like POW escapee (if you’re not skilled)
Using one-month disposable contacts longer than a month – eye infections
Flushing toilet only when it’s number 2 – smells horrible!
Driving around looking for the cheapest gas station – wastes all the money you’re supposedly saving
What’s the worst idea you’ve ever come up with to save a few bucks? Leave yours in the comments.
Bad money saving ideas you tried [FatWallet]
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