
Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 Things Money Managers Won’t Say [Smart Money] “#1: ‘You may have more investing experience than I do.'”

3 Proven Ways to Save Real Money at Garage Sales [Wise Bread] “Here is how I managed to get some awesome deals!”

6 Tips to Stretch Your Back-to-School Cash [Money Talks News] “Here are five tips for stretching your back-to-school dollars.”

Tips on tipping for 63 services [NY Times] “You know how much to tip the pizza delivery guy, right? But how about the fishing guide, tour guide or tattoo artist?”

Getting a Will: Six Common Questions [Bucks Blog] “Some common queries that tend to arise when writing a will.”


Thieves Steal $10 Million, Pennies At A Time

Thieves Steal $10 Million, Pennies At A Time

These credit card thieves allegedly stole over $10 million by placing bogus charges on customers’ credit cards for amounts between $10 and $.20. Each customer was stolen from only once, spreading the theft out over a million different cardholders. Check your statements, there’s a decent chance you were one of them. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

How to Replace Six Vital Documents [Get Rich Slowly] “Here’s how to replace six of the most important documents in your life.”

Is it time to dump your budget? [MSN Money] “If you want to get your finances on track, a written plan is the way to go — but you shouldn’t have to do it forever. Here’s how to tell when you can finally go without.”

Rent or Own Your Home? New Rules [Money Talks News] “It’s time to understand a few fundamentals when it comes to deciding whether to rent or own.”

How to Be Frugal and Still Be Asked on Dates [NY Times] “Saving may be making a comeback, but it still hasn’t gotten its sexy back, particularly if you’re a man.”

8 DIY Projects to Add Value To Your Home [Kiplinger] “These projects shouldn’t take more than a day to complete. And they’re all easy on your wallet.”


Credit Card Interest Rates Hit 9-Year High. Thanks, CARD Act!

Credit Card Interest Rates Hit 9-Year High. Thanks, CARD Act!

Average interest rates have hit a new 9-year high of 14.7%, and we have credit card reform to thank for that. Por-kay? Unable to keep soaking you on the backend with hidden fees, tricks, and traps, issuers now have to push their profit-taking to the fore. [More]

Bank Credits $95,093.35 Junk Mail Check To Man's Account, Has To Beg For It Back

Bank Credits $95,093.35 Junk Mail Check To Man's Account, Has To Beg For It Back

Man 1 Bank 0 is the true story of Patrick Combs who deposited one of those junk mail checks as a joke. What happened was that it cashed, all $95,093.35 of it, and because they didn’t dispute it in time, the bank had to get on their knees to get him to give it back. [More]

Can A Pirate Ship Game Teach Kids About Money?

Can A Pirate Ship Game Teach Kids About Money?

Parsons design and technology thesis students came up with a pirate ship board game that has the twin goals of teaching personal finance to kids and not sucking. [More]

3 Credit Card Act Protections Went Live Sunday

3 Credit Card Act Protections Went Live Sunday

Three of the provisions of the CARD Act, the legislation passed this year to improve consumer protection in the credit card arena, went into effect yesterday. Here’s what you need to know to sound smart around the water cooler: [More]

Use Toshl To Manually Track Your Expenses

Use Toshl To Manually Track Your Expenses

The Toshl app lets you swiftly input and track your spending. Just enter a price, tap a tag, and tap save. Blamo, done. [More]

New Burst Of 0% APR Credit Cards Boast Higher Balance Transfer Fees

New Burst Of 0% APR Credit Cards Boast Higher Balance Transfer Fees

Banks are stuffing mailboxes once again with 0% introductory APR credit card offers, but this time around they’ve got higher fees for doing the initial balance transfer, rising from 3% in ’09 to 4% in ’10. [More]

Your Age -10 = % Of Your Portfolio That Should Be In Bonds

Just subtract 10 from your age and that’s how much percentage of your portfolio should be in bonds, commenter sevatt points out. [More]

Use "Remember The Milk" To Organize Your Bills

Use "Remember The Milk" To Organize Your Bills

Keeping track of what bills need to be paid when and how much can be a hassle. Here’s how you can use the long-time fave productivity and to-do list management tool “Remember The Milk” to simplify it. [More]

Your Credit Card APR Might Fall Starting This Sunday

Your Credit Card APR Might Fall Starting This Sunday

Some Americans might be getting a break on their credit card interest rates very soon. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Three Myths About Earning More Money [Free Money Finance] “If you want to really start earning more money, you’ll need to be able to identify and overcome three big myths of entrepreneurship.”

Win With Low-Cost Mutual Funds [Kiplinger] “A new study by Morningstar found that low-cost funds beat high-cost funds in every time period and data point tested.”

The New Rules of Movie Rentals [Smart Money] “Choosing where to rent movies may soon depend in part on what gadgets you own.”

A Guide to Becoming a Part-Time Bicycle Commuter [Wise Bread] “I was able to make the car to bike transition due to a few variables that I was able to control.”

Toys of the ultra rich: what they cost [CNN Money] “Sure, it’s expensive to buy the toys of the rich and famous. But buying them is just the start – once you have them they cost a small fortune to keep.”


Subtract Your Age From 110 To Figure Out How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Stocks Vs Bonds

Subtract Your Age From 110 To Figure Out How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Stocks Vs Bonds

With the Feds buying up more Treasuries, bonds are looking attractive. But how much of my portfolio should I have invested in bonds? What’s the proper asset allocation between stocks and bonds? Well, an old-school rule of thumb is that you subtract your age from 110. [More]

Remember: Checks Can Still Overdraft

Remember: Checks Can Still Overdraft

Just remember, even though starting this week banks can’t charge you overdrafts unless you opted into their overdraft program, they can still authorize overdrafted checks, ATM withdrawals, and automatic bill payments at their discretion and charge you a fee for it. [More]

Self-Styled Robin Hood Banker Pleads Guilty

Self-Styled Robin Hood Banker Pleads Guilty

An ex-vp at a bank plead guilty last week to modifying over 100 loans to make it look like the customers were still current on their loans instead of overdue. This was not a money-making scheme, he was trying to help them. Nevertheless, it was fraud, and he could face up to 30 years in prison and a $1 million fine. [More]

Why Can't All Credit Card Agreements Look Like This One-Page Piece Of Beauty?

Why Can't All Credit Card Agreements Look Like This One-Page Piece Of Beauty?

Branding expert Alan Siegel has designed a model credit card agreement that is only one page long, is written in English, and communicates everything you need to know about your credit card. It therefore has no chance of coming to life. So let’s gaze upon it and dream about a better tomorrow that will never come: [More]

$150 Bonus For New BBVA Compass Bank Accounts

$150 Bonus For New BBVA Compass Bank Accounts

Savings site Smartypig’s banking partner BBVA Compass Bank is giving away up to $150 in bonus money if you open a new account with them. Of course, there are a few caveats to make sure you’re using the account and not just doing it for the money, like: [More]