
Just Fucking Die Already, U.S. Penny

Just Fucking Die Already, U.S. Penny

The $17,000 Pacifier

The $17,000 Pacifier

Vice Costs More Money Than Money That Exists

Vice Costs More Money Than Money That Exists

Cigarettes costs society $167 billion dollars a year in health costs and lost productivity. Sweet liquid bread costs us $185 billion dollars a year. McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s? $115 billion. And indulging in carnivorism alone costs over $1 trillion a year. The tab of costs to our economy, according to research by various interests groups, is truly astronomical.

Counterfeit Porn Euros

Counterfeit Porn Euros

Chase Manhattan Recovers $10k Bill

Chase Manhattan Recovers $10k Bill

Consumer Complaints: Google Bills Incredulous Non-Customer for 3 Grand

Yikes. Reader Charlie Flint just wrote in with this horror story. The short: Google bills him $3,000 dollars for an Adwords account that he doesn’t actually have. To our untrained eye, this sounds very much like someone has gotten his bank details somehow and is using Google Adwords to funnel money out of his account, but we’re no experts. Can anyone with similar or not-so-similar experience tell Charlie what the hell is going on and what he can do about it?

New, Gayer, $10 Bill is FABULOUS

New, Gayer, $10 Bill is FABULOUS

Plunking down the paper just got a little more fun with the introduction of the new, swishier, $10 bill yesterday.


Here’s all the stuff we couldn’t think of enough clever things to say about but nonetheless found interesting.

Free Business Plan: Apartment Bloodhound

Free Business Plan: Apartment Bloodhound

s an idea for a business for you can start for little money.

Top 10 Online Banks

Top 10 Online Banks

There’s a swell article up on MSN Money listing the Top 10 Online Banks. If your bank’s on there, you are probably scratching your head and hiccuping “Huh?” over and over again to yourself, incredulous at its presence. But more interesting and less questionable than the list itself is the accompanying article, which details many of the pitfalls consumer’s face when switching over to an online banking solution: