
Save Money By Putting Change In A Jar

Save Money By Putting Change In A Jar

Here’s a sure-fire way to save money.

Beware The Canadian Spy Coins

    In a U.S. government warning high on the creepiness scale, the Defense Department cautioned its American contractors over what it described as a new espionage threat: Canadian coins with tiny radio frequency transmitters hidden inside.

Poll Results: How Do You Budget?

Poll Results: How Do You Budget?

Here’s how Consumerist readers responded to a poll about how they go about setting their personal budgets:

New Quicken 2007 Update Available

New Quicken 2007 Update Available

Apropos of yesterday’s budgeting poll, Intuit released a new patch for Quicken 2007.

$30 a Month for Food?

A blogger from Lansing Michigan decided to spend only $30 on food for the month of November, just to see what it was like being poor. It’s an interesting read.

Poll: How Do You Budget?

Gawker Media polls require Javascript; if you’re viewing this in an RSS reader, click through to view in your Javascript-enabled web browser.

$350 In Sorta Free Money After Applying For These Credit Cards

$350 In Sorta Free Money After Applying For These Credit Cards

These business credit cards are available to all and can offer significant bonuses if you get one.

Got $2,200? Congrats, You’re Among The World’s Richest People

Image redacted.

Free Personal Finance Control Tools

Free Personal Finance Control Tools

Check out Feed The Pig for some neat finance control tools, like

301 Posts On Saving Money

301 Posts On Saving Money

Free Money Finance, an excellent personal finance blog, just posted a roundup of ALL their money saving posts. We like:

HOWNOTTO: Pay Your Bills

HOWNOTTO: Pay Your Bills

This has to be the worst financial advice ever.

Western Union Makes Cash-Broke Ex Play The Waiting Game

Wiring money has gotten a lot more difficult since September 11th. This we know, and many of us are willing to put up with the more convoluted process. Still, when you’re caught in the looping bowels of that convoluted process during an emergency, and companies like Western Union treat you like a criminal as you try to get cash to a loved one, you start wondering if terrorists are the ones really being inconvenienced.

Bank of America Will Get Your C-Note Back

Eagle-eyed reader Bruce points out that while Bank of America may be giving out 100 bucks…with the fees they charge they’ll be getting it back from you soon enough.

Happy Sunshine Fun-Time Magazine Customer Service Happiness

Happy Sunshine Fun-Time Magazine Customer Service Happiness

Maybe it’s because of the nice sunny weather we’re having after days and days of dreary, grey weather, but we’re in a good mood today. And our good mood means we’re less inclined to take the all-companies-suck-all-the-time perspective that some readers seem to think we need to be employing. Sometimes, believe it or not, companies screw up and then actually fix the problem.

The Geography of Usury

The Geography of Usury

If you’ve ever wondered why your credit card bills are postmarked in Utah, Delaware, Virginia, or South Dakota, and why your interest rates are higher than you think should be legal, the map above might help.

The Therapeutic Power of Moderate Lottery Winnings

The Therapeutic Power of Moderate Lottery Winnings

Whenever anyone says that money can’t buy happiness, I immediately assume they secretly gamble and hypocritically buy up stacks of lottery tickets, hoping for that big score. They regularly use lingo like “quick pick” and “trifecta wheel.”

Money Saving Hack: Cut Out The Drugs

Money Saving Hack: Cut Out The Drugs

Broke again? Here’s a handy calculator to show you how much money you’re tossing down the bottle or needle a month and year, along with all the great things you could’ve bought instead.

AMEX Downgrades Double Rewards

AMEX Downgrades Double Rewards

AMEX announced it’s getting rid of double rewards for certain venues and changing its annual fees.