Massachusetts has approved a new regulation to list calorie counts at fast food eateries and other chain restaurants throughout the state.
Does Co-Branded Fast Food Gross You Out?
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Subway Sub Fingerlickin’
It’s been too long since we reported on a severed human finger found in fast food. Such stories are just so exciting! Yes, invariably they are scams. But for a brief moment, your soul heaves in exhilaration, and you begin weaving wonderful fantasies about that poor, shriveling digit. Was it a back kitchen knife fight? Does the manager require Yakuza-like atonement from his wayward staff?
Vice Costs More Money Than Money That Exists
Cigarettes costs society $167 billion dollars a year in health costs and lost productivity. Sweet liquid bread costs us $185 billion dollars a year. McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s? $115 billion. And indulging in carnivorism alone costs over $1 trillion a year. The tab of costs to our economy, according to research by various interests groups, is truly astronomical.