Are the days of fighting over the best video game controller over? Perhaps, says a new report: though consoles and computers used to be the most popular for gaming, smartphones and tablets now rule the roost among the younger set. [More]
mobile devices

Verizon Launching Ad-Supported Mobile TV Service For Customers And Non-Customers Alike
Another day, another company trying its best to get its hooks into that elusive, sought-after demographic — the millennial: Verizon is throwing its hat into the streaming content ring with a new free mobile TV service available to both customers and non-customers called Go90, aimed at that chunk of the population that doesn’t mind watching video on devices other than a TV. Though no matter your age, you’ll have to sit through ads to get that free content. [More]

More Google Searches Are Done On Mobile Devices Than PCs For First Time
In the beginning, a person with a question that needed to be answered would shout, “To the Google!” and that would most often mean sitting in front of a desktop computer or opening a laptop. Not so, anymore: For the first time, U.S. Googlers are Googling more on mobile devices than personal computers. [More]

Nintendo Announces Plans To Make Games For Mobile Devices
Have a hankering to play Super Mario at the bus stop but don’t have the portable gaming console to satisfy that urge? Soon video games from Nintendo will make the move from consoles to mobile devices, as the company announces a partnership with an online gaming firm to develop and operate new apps. [More]

Cafe Blocks Wireless Signals So Patrons Can Put That Dang Phone Down Already
Look up from your screen. Did you forget there’s a real world out there, with sights and sounds and people who aren’t yammering away at you via any of the plethora of apps for mobile devices? One café in Canada wants to remind customers of what it’s like to live in a wireless-free world. A wireless-less world? [More]

This Year’s Consumer Electronics Show Might Be A Yawn Because We’re Content With What We Have
Hey, you! Need a new smartphone? Or how about an e-reader? No? You’re all stocked up on electronics gadgets? Hmm. And here we have all these nifty devices to try to convince you that you absolutely must have. What’s a 2013 Consumer Electronics Show exhibitor to do? It seems this year’s CES is kind of a snoozefest because we’ve had most of our itch for electronics scratched by products already on the market. And that market, it’s a-saturated. [More]
Report Predicts Mankind's Greatest Nightmare, Says Mobile Devices Will Outnumber Humans This Year
Good thing we all have those emergency underground bunkers that don’t use any machines or computers whatsoever because robots are about to take over the world. Well, at least the robopocalypse is starting, as a report says mobile devices will outnumber humans in 2012. [More]

Big Drop In Car Crashes Tracks With Blackberry Outage
The big Blackberry outage is having an unexpected positive side-benefit. During the days the Blackberry service was out, there’s been far fewer traffic accidents. [More]