Supermarket delis have expanded in size and broadened their offerings, and there’s apparently a term for this in the food industry. It’s “grocerant.” You know, grocery store + restaurant, where you can combine picking up dinner and doing your shopping. [More]

Millennials Aren’t Moving Anywhere, Despite Fewer Obstacles
For many younger consumers, each new year used to bring a new address, whether that meant switching from an apartment to a house, or following their dreams across the country. But the latest generation of millennials apparently aren’t on board with that. [More]

Fabric Softener Apparently Latest Victim Of Millennials’ Killing Spree
Kids these days! Do you know what their problem is? I’ll tell you what their problem is! These whippersnappers just aren’t using enough fabric softener, is what. Why, in my day — wait, fabric softener? [More]

U.S. Demand For Coffee At A Record High Thanks To Millennials
I don’t know what you picture when you heard the word “millennial,” but me, I just imagine a crowd of companies and brands trailing behind someone, begging them to buy whatever it is they’re selling. One product that doesn’t need to chase the younger set is coffee, demand for which is expected to reach a record high in this country. [More]

Groceries & Millennials: They’re Buying Less, Shopping Online
From Whole Foods launching a supposedly hipper 365 brand of stores to Target’s mini-stores aimed at attracting young shoppers, retailers across the board have millennials in their crosshairs. But a new report suggests those efforts have been for naught, with younger shoppers continuing to seek out e-commerce options when it comes to grocery shopping. [More]

Target “Rethinking Everything” For New Mini-Stores Aimed At Millennials
Although other retailers haven’t been able to lure shoppers with mini stores, Target is hoping to succeed where others have failed, and seems pretty confident about its plan to open a slew of mini stores in new markets. Markets filled with — you guessed it — millennials. [More]

Target, United Healthcare Tap Millennials To “Mentor” Veteran Workers
It’s not uncommon when starting a new job to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes. But when it comes to reaching and selling to the highly-coveted millennial market, the roles are being reversed.

Prosperous Young Adults Don’t Need To Shop At Dollar Stores, Do Anyway
Dollar stores and dollar-ish stores are growing in popularity, with shoppers choosing them over grocery and discount stores for household staples like food, and for fun stuff like party decorations. Young adults grew up with dollar stores, and also had our spending habits shaped by last decade’s recession. That’s why millennials are sticking with dollar stores…even when their income reaches hundreds of thousands of dollars. [More]

McDonald’s Moving HQ From Chicago Suburbs To Downtown Neighborhood Filled With Millennials
After years of guiding the company from the its suburban seat outside Chicago, McDonald’s says it’s moving headquarters to a trendy neighborhood in the city’s downtown, in an apparent effort to attract younger talent to its ranks. [More]

Target CEO, Other Executives Paying Customers Home Visits To Improve Shopping Experience
Would you allow a stranger to enter your house, rummage through your closets and cupboards if it meant that your next shopping experience might be better? That’s the idea behind Target’s latest initiative to change the way it gets to know customers. [More]

Survey Says: Supermarkets’ Turkey Giveaways Aren’t That Exciting To Younger Shoppers
Getting a free turkey to serve proudly on your Thanksgiving table used to be a source of great excitement for shoppers in the holiday season, and an easy way for supermarkets to attract more customers (who then buy more stuff when they’re in the store). But nowadays there’s a new demographic on the block that everyone’s trying to please, and a free turkey just isn’t going to cut it. [More]

Sorry, Class Of 2015: You Will Have To Be At Least 75 Before You Can Retire, Study Says
Retirement always feels like forever away when you’re in your early twenties. But for the young adults among the most recent cohort of college graduates, the age of retirement really is receding further and further into the distance than it is for their older peers. [More]

Whole Foods Announces Five Cities Where It’s Opening Cheaper Stores
Back in May, Whole Foods announced it’d be making a play for that coveted category of customers, the almighty millennials, by launching a new line of lower-cost stores. The company has now revealed which cities will see those first cheaper stores. [More]

Starbucks, 17 Other Companies Partner To Provide “Opportunity Youth” With Jobs, Internships
Teaching young adults responsibility — and showing them that responsibility can have financial benefits — pays off in the long run by cultivating a solid work ethic. That’s the thinking behind a new multi-company initiative spearheaded by Starbucks. [More]

Whole Foods Planning Lower-Cost Chain Aimed At — You Guessed It — Millennials
The magic “M” word is making changes in the consumer world yet again: This time that all-consuming desire to reach millennials that we’ve seen everywhere from fast food to department stores has struck Whole Foods, prompting the company to announce a lower-cost chain designed especially to lure in the younger set. [More]

Macy’s CFO: Sales Are Sluggish Because Women Don’t Want To Put Makeup On To Shop There
You there, with the bare lips and the TJ Maxx bag binge-watching Scandal online: Did you decide to skip Macy’s and head to an off-price store because you just couldn’t bear to tear yourself away from Netflix and put your face on that day? Macy’s CFO seems to think an aversion to lipstick and millennials’ love of digital content (among other things) is funneling customers away in favor of off-price stores and online shopping, leading to sagging sales. [More]

Target Wants To Sell More Groceries: Stocks Yogurt, Snacks, And Beer
If you want to sell more groceries, stock food that people want to buy. That’s logical enough, and it’s Target’s new strategy to draw younger customers to its stores to buy food…and pick up everything else they need along the way to the checkout. Now the company is looking for an experienced grocery executive to help them ride the Greek yogurt and granola bar train to being cool again. [More]