Prosperous Young Adults Don’t Need To Shop At Dollar Stores, Do Anyway Image courtesy of Mark Clifton
Dollar stores and dollar-ish stores are growing in popularity, with shoppers choosing them over grocery and discount stores for household staples like food, and for fun stuff like party decorations. Young adults grew up with dollar stores, and also had our spending habits shaped by last decade’s recession. That’s why millennials are sticking with dollar stores…even when their income reaches hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Reuters interviewed a woman shopping at an upstate New York Dollar General, who said that she really appreciates buying party supplies there. What’s the point in spending a lot of money on paper plates and decorations that will just end up in the trash? At first she felt uncomfortable, but came to realize that. Everyone belongs at the dollar store, whether they’re buying essential groceries or just inexplicable Canadian candy. Even upper-middle-class parents in their thirties.
Last month, Reuters explains, Dollar General executives specifically mentioned that affluent adults under 35 or so have been shopping there, and market research shows that about 25% of the money spent in their stores came from them.
Guess who’s shopping at dollar stores? Well-to-do millennials [Reuters]
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