I don’t know what you picture when you heard the word “millennial,” but me, I just imagine a crowd of companies and brands trailing behind someone, begging them to buy whatever it is they’re selling. One product that doesn’t need to chase the younger set is coffee, demand for which is expected to reach a record high in this country. [More]
caffeine fix

Lawsuit Claims Starbucks Is Putting Too Much Ice In Iced Beverages
For some caffeine lovers, there’s nothing more refreshing than adding some ice to a cup of coffee or tea to bring the temperature down and the energy levels up. Balance is important — too much ice and not enough coffee can result in a weak drink. According to a new lawsuit, Starbucks baristas have been upsetting that balance by allegedly adding too much ice to cold coffee drinks, and skimping on the liquid. [More]

Starbucks Customers Suing Over Allegedly Skimpy Latte Servings
It can be tough when you don’t get enough coffee in the morning — you’re tired and cranky all day, your coworkers hide from your scorching gaze, etc. — and you have no one to blame but yourself for not getting more caffeine. Some Starbucks customers are blaming their lack of coffee on the company, claiming in a class action lawsuit that the chain consistently underfills its lattes. [More]

McDonald’s Offering Free Morning Coffee For Two Weeks
If you haven’t had your morning coffee yet, this message might not even be entering your brain in any way that makes sense. But for those of you who are functioning, that daily cup of joe could be free, if you like McDonald’s brew: The fast food chain is offering a free small coffee during breakfast hours starting today and going through Sept. 29. [More]