
Zune: Slow to Start

Zune: Slow to Start

ZDnet is reporting that Microsoft’s iPod-killa is experiencing a slow start. ZDnet was unable to find the mp3 player at most retailers, and experienced mixed reviews at a local Best Buy.

Best of Both Worlds

ZDNet is reporting that MacMall is selling Macbooks that are pre-loaded with both Windows XP and MacOS. You can get your dual boot system in two flavors: Apple’s free BootCamp 1.1 which allows you to boot either operating system, or Nova Development’s Parallels Desktop … which allows you to run both at the same time.

Getting Ready for Vista

Getting Ready for Vista

Microsoft Vista is arriving in January… and the last time we checked that was after the holidays. So if you’re planning on buying a new computer or computer game this holiday season, you might want to pay close attention to the logos on the box. ZDnet has a good article about parsing these various Vista-related stickers. Some advice:

Marketing an Invasion of Privacy?

Marketing an Invasion of Privacy?

According to CNet, “The Washington-based U.S. Public Interest Research Group and the Center for Digital Democracy have asked the Federal Trade Commission to review–and ideally restrict–what they describe as a growing online business model dependent on technologies that “aggressively track us wherever we go, creating data profiles to be used in ever-more sophisticated and personalized ‘one-to-one’ targeting schemes.”

Fry’s New 360 Bundle… No Where Near As Good

Fry’s New 360 Bundle… No Where Near As Good

Remember that sweet Xbox 360 Bundle that Outpost was pimping on Monday? The one that not only involved a premium system, but games involving zombie killing, hit-and-run-driving and not-hit-and-run-driving? All for $200 below retail price?

Firefox: More Errors Than Internet Explorer, But Faster Solutions

Firefox: More Errors Than Internet Explorer, But Faster Solutions

The Firefox vs. Internet Explorer debates are much like the Mac vs. PC wars. Everyone seems to choose sides, and the Firefox crew proselytizes much like Mac owners do.

Windows Media Player 11 is Big Brother?

Windows Media Player 11 is Big Brother?

Watch out! Don’t burn that Shania Twain CD with Microsoft Windows Media Player 11, or it might encode whatever you rip with DRM.

Microsoft: We’ll Fix Your Damn Xbox

Microsoft: We’ll Fix Your Damn Xbox

It freezes. It crashes. It gives you the red light of death. Well, you’re not alone. Microsoft has admitted it. Early Xbox 360s are defective and will be repaired free of charge...providing that you purchased yours before January 1, 2006.

Target Targets Blogger

Target Targets Blogger

It seems our buddy Target Corp. doesn’t like it when bloggers post store policies on the Internets. Their rational response? Duh, lawsuit.

Microsoft DRMifies Your Own Music

Microsoft DRMifies Your Own Music

You might have caught the Zune swoon in the blogosphere last week. For those who didn’t catch it, Zune is Microsoft’s planned iPod-killer: a device that is as often nifty (built in WiFi that allows you to share music with friends on the go) as it is underwhelming (30 gig hard drive, max.)

UPDATE: Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers

UPDATE: Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers

On Friday, we noted an underhanded tactic Circuit City appeared to be foisting on unsuspecting Xbox 360 customers. A sign in their Newport Beach offered to charge customers $29.95 for a product upgrade they would get for free via Live Update or from a Microsoft patch CD.

Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers

Circuit City Ripping Off Xbox 360 Customers

Kotaku’s got the drop on another sleazy Circuit City in-store service. For $28.99, Circuit City will upgrade your Xbox360 so it’s backwards compatible with Xbox games. The problem is this already occurs if your Xbox360 is set up for Xbox Live. If you don’t have it connected to a phone line, Windows will also send you a patch disc for free.

Windows Vista Voice Recognition, The Psychopath

From a recent Microsoft Vista press conference in which the built-in Speech Recognition software was demonstrated.

Teaser for Zune, Microsoft’s iPod

Via Jkrew. However, there does seem to be an inverse-relationship between the product values and boringness level. Most of the ad is preoccupied with showing us the target audience for the mp3 player. Their target is everyone. Try and figure out the titles on the director’s sheet when they were casting for type. We’ve started a few for you.

Hello, Pot? This Is Windows. You’re Black.

Hello, Pot? This Is Windows. You’re Black.

Ever since Windows Genuine Advantage hit, a lot of people have had an outraged looking exclamation point parked in their system tray. Out of the tip, a word balloon bubbles up, warning the user that they’re a stinking, no good pirate.

Microsoft Tech Leaves Babeluscious Support Message

Amusing rendition of a support call a Microsoft tech left on a customer’s machine with visual aids. The tech’s first language is obviously not English.

Microsoft Shares Your Pain

For some reason, we imagine that if Microsoft’s Share Your Pain was real, every Microsoft programmer would be quickly reduced to a gurgling slurry of diced meat. My day’s Windows crashes alone would turn Takeshi Miike’s stomach if inflicted upon some poor Microsoft programming nerd. As usual, deadpan German male sells it.

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

• Nation’s factories prescribed Cialis. [NYT]