
No Exchange: Best Buy Manager Tries To Void XBOX Warranty

No Exchange: Best Buy Manager Tries To Void XBOX Warranty

The clerk told the customer that Microsoft handles all warranties on the Xbox360 and that Microsoft would not allow BestBuy to exchange the device.

The Paradox Of MSN: You Want To Cancel Because You Lost The Password, You Need The Password To Cancel

The Paradox Of MSN: You Want To Cancel Because You Lost The Password, You Need The Password To Cancel

Reader Kim is mad. Her dad called MSN because he was having some computer issues, and they changed his password to something that he doesn’t remember. Unfortunately for Kim’s Dad, MSN’s solution to a lost password is to email the password to the account that you lost the password for. Even more brilliantly, if you call to reset your password, MSN’s verification system is based on the credit card number used to open the account, and that Kim’s Dad no longer remembers.

Microsoft Sending All XP and Vista Tech Support Calls To India?

Microsoft Sending All XP and Vista Tech Support Calls To India?

Microsoft is sending ALL of its XP and Vista tech support calls to India starting March 29th, according to a call center insider. Previously, the call volume was split between a site in North America and locations in Deli and Bangalore.

Microsoft: Office Programmed Before Daylight Savings Law Changed, Appointments May Be Incorrect

For three weeks this March and April, Microsoft Corp. warns that users of its calendar programs ”should view any appointments… as suspect until they communicate with all meeting invitees.”

Microsoft Settles Class Action Lawsuit Vs Iowa

The Iowa antitrust case gained notoriety for the now famous “If I didn’t work here, I’d buy a Mac” e-mail sent by Microsoft executive Jim Allchin, who is now retired. The Microsoft in-house e-mail from 2004 received some notice after it was released as part of Microsoft’s document production for the case.

This lawsuit was one of the last state anti-trust lawsuits left unsettled, and Bill Gates was scheduled to testify. Alas.—MEGHANN MARCO

Did Microsoft's Vista Circus Promo Break NYC Law?

Did Microsoft's Vista Circus Promo Break NYC Law?

Yesterday’s fanciful Windows Vista promotion featured thirteen unitard clad abseilers racing down the Terminal Building, waving gaily colored flags to form the Vista logo. It may also have been completely illegal according to NYC Admin Code.

The Xbox360 Fiasco

ata on his new Xbox360. Only problem is that it came without a controller. So he returned it to Walmart. The next Xbox he bought had the “ring of death” failure. Another return. He tested the next one in-store, and it was fine, only to return home and have it not work when he tried to play any games on it. So he returned everything to Walmart, including games, got all his money back, and bought everything a GameStop.

Microsoft's Vista Circus: Was David Blaine Busy?

Microsoft's Vista Circus: Was David Blaine Busy?

Gothamist has evidence of some “off the wall” advertising by Microsoft. In celebration of the imminent Vista launch, they set up a special billboard in Manhattan…then circus performers encased in colorful scuba diving suits repelled down the surface, hailed cabs and left. Yes, really. It kind of reminds us of that dance cycle guy from the Big Lebowski. Not sure if that was their intention.—MEGHANN MARCO

Reasons NOT To Upgrade to Vista

The other day we linked an article that listed 15 reasons to switch to Vista. The article was from PC World. Now they have one called: “Wait! Don’t Buy Microsoft Windows Vista!” Here are some of their reasons:

Vista Lauch Fun

Vista Lauch Fun

    • Most CompUSA stores will be open from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. (New Jersey stores will not be open because of state retailing laws.)

Free T-Mobile HotSpot Wifi Access For Vista Users

Free T-Mobile HotSpot Wifi Access For Vista Users

It appears that Microsoft and T-Mobile have teamed up to offer free T-Mobile HotSpot Wifi to users of Windows Vista starting January 30th through April 30th. The promotion actually goes live today, the 26th, but that’s a “secret.” Oooh, rumors on the internets. Check out Microsoft and T-Mobile’s incredibly odd website for more details.—MEGHANN MARCO

The Big Box Project

The Big Box Project

    This site is a result of my customer service experience with the Microsoft Xbox 360 support/repair team. My 360 failed for the second time in 6 months but this time the service has changed… without warning. According to their “highest tiered” phone agent, Microsoft has exercised their “right to change the terms and conditions” of my warranty without notification. Upon first failure I received an empty box in the mail to return the damaged goods in, shipping covered. This time the cost of shipping falls upon me and, apparently, there is no other option. I pressed and pressed and pleaded my case but I was assured there are no exceptions. Well, since they can’t help me out and cover the cost of an empty box, they are going to be receiving and returning the biggest damn box they have ever seen. I won’t spend 15 dollars but I’ll spend 15,000 dollars to prove my point and expose their conniving ways.

How To: Upgrade to Windows Vista

How To: Upgrade to Windows Vista

Let’s face it, you must want those semi-transparent windows or whatever, because they keep showing them to us. Look, look, “special windows!” Ok, awesome. But how do you get Vista onto your Windows XP machine? Can you even upgrade? Will your computer even run it?

Warning: Vista May Drain Laptop Batteries

So, if you’re upgrading to Vista and you’re really excited about those Aero windows, understand that they may come with a price, at least while on the go. —MEGHANN MARCO

Bill Gates: Don’t Buy DRM Music

Bill Gates: Don’t Buy DRM Music

    Gates said that no one is satisfied with the current state of DRM, which “causes too much pain for legitimate buyers” while trying to distinguish between legal and illegal uses. He says no one has done it right, yet. There are “huge problems” with DRM, he says, and “we need more flexible models, such as the ability to “buy an artist out for life” (not sure what he means). He also criticized DRM schemes that try to install intelligence in each copy so that it is device specific.

Vista, Vista, Vista: Should You Upgrade?

Vista, Vista, Vista: Should You Upgrade?

Lifehacker has a Q&A with Microsoft that’s pretty interesting, as the questions were taken from Lifehacker readers. Of critical importance: Should you upgrade?

XBOX Screams That Month Old Unit’s 90-Day Warranty Is Expired

XBOX Screams That Month Old Unit’s 90-Day Warranty Is Expired

Brent’s friend bought an XBOX in November with a 90-day warranty. It died. When he called the Bangalore based tech support, “Steve” told him:

Zune “is a Complete, Humiliating Failure.”

Zune “is a Complete, Humiliating Failure.”

The Chicago Sun-Times does not like the Zune. At all. In much the same way as we delight in reading all the really nasty movie reviews excerpted on Metacritic, we really enjoyed this particular write up of the potentially ill-fated Zune. Here are some choice zingers: